Friday, April 22, 2005

Pick A Hand

Johnny (My Fiance') came home and played a game with me... Pick a hand... Now you all don't know Johnny but let me give you a clue about him. When we started talking about getting married - I gave only one altimatum to the entire idea of getting married and that was: I want a big rock on my finger. Suddenly Johnny leaped out of the chair he was sitting in, went out to his car and brought something in... he had brought in a roll of duct-tape. He then told me to go out to the back yard and pick the biggest rock I could find and he would attach it with the duct-tape. So needless to say I was a little gun shy when he came in this morning wantting to play pick a hand... Hum what could it be... an "iPod" treat? a bug? a rose from our front yard? everything was running through my mind. Without knowing I picked his right hand as he opened it up it was 2-10's he then opened the other hand and there was a 100 dollar bill. Well as usual I picked the 2-10's but when I saw the 100 I told he like a child I want that one ((bat my eyes - wink wink)) All I could think of is all the YARN I could buy. Is that sick or what? Well since I will be meeting Christy this afternoon at a yarn store... Cha-Ching! woo hoo! Here I come.... I was trying to figure out just how I was going to buy the yarn for tomorrow and when I did not think I was going to be able to vhala! Thanks Johnny! I will post later just what all I buy... LOL I feel Noro Silk Garden is coming my way... LOL
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