Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Finished Galway w/ Cleo Buttonhole Bag w/ Cell Phone Cozy

It's finished. My buttonhole bag with matching cell phone cozy. I made this one with Galway and Cleo. I like the effect of a novitly yarn poking out of the felting. I have seen lots done this way but I really have never done it. But now I can say I have and I can tell you it will not be the last. I really enjoyed the look of the little puffs.

As for the cell phone cozy / iPod cozy Here is my own pattern:

Left over yarn from Buttonhole Bag

Cast On 20 stitches evenly on 3 needles.
Join and knit in the round until it is 1/3 longer then the desired length.
Bind Off using the 3 needle bind off technique / live bind off
( by slipping 10 sts on 2 DPN and then bind of using the 3 needle bind off)
Using tail from cast on tie on yarn to it and pick up 4 sts on the left edge of the top
Work in a 4 st i-cord.
Once i-cord has reached the desired length bind off and attach to the opposite side of the top edge of the cozy.
Weave in tails.
Felt as normal.
Tie onto buttonhole bag.

Enjoy! Posted by Picasa


Blogger Sue said...

Love the bag, Janet! I can see why people were picking it up and carrying it around. Glad to see you back.

Wednesday, October 19, 2005 9:45:00 AM  

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