Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Ribbit Ribbit! Works In Progress April 2006

Recently was asked about my Olympic Project. Well I started it and was 3/4 complete and found out I made the size way to big. 13 inches to big to be exact. I crocked like a frog. But then I started a vest out of another yarn and I finished it but well after the olympics and I have yet to wear it!

A felted Enterlac envelop bag - ribbit ribbit. This also was more then 1/2 way completed. I decided to go a different direction and use a different yarn.

Rip it! Rip it! I started another Barbados shrug in Veil Stitch but I got the yarn all messed up so I rip it out and untangled the knot and put the yarn into my stash.

I have turned over a new leaf. Rip it out if I have not finished it and it is less then 1/2 way complete. I am determined to get my UFO under control.

Work In Progress List As of today!
  1. Red Fingerless Glove Cloud9 out of Karabella - 1 more (Might just throw it in the garbage)
  2. Hunter Green IHS Fingerless glove - 1 more (Also might go to the garbage)
  3. VooDoo out of Acrylic - 1 more needed (once again another one that might go to the trash)
  4. Flannel fingerless mittens from KnitScene - 1 pair completed but they don't match so I need to make another mismatch pair. (could live with the mis match)
  5. Rose Felted Bag by Vogue - MUST FINISH
  6. Dancing Crayon Black/Silver Shrug - MUST FINISH
  7. CrayonBox Black/Red Shrug - MUST FINISH
  8. Baby Blanket (crochet) - 3/4 complete - MUST FINISH
  9. Zucca Shrug - 1/2 complete - Not sure what will happen to this one.
  10. Navy Blue OSW Shrug - ???
  11. ???
  12. ???
  13. ???

Now I have been living on the idea for every 1 project finsihed I can start 3. This has proven to be a bad idea... MORE unfinished project and not enough time to complete them.

But with that note I frogged 2 items and started 1. I also completed another project and yet to start another one so I think I am handleing it ok.

Current Works In Progess Inside my knitting bag:

  1. Enterlac Postman Bag by Creative Pursuits - Using Noro Kureyon 95 & Noro Silk Garden 213
  2. Felted Marylin Bag - Nature Wool (Dark Brown), Festival (Pink) and 2 other yarns but I may use Ozark Handspun in place of the Novilty Yarns.

Stay tuned to see what I end up doing. I think that will do!


Blogger Nana Sadie said...

ROFLOL! Finish one, start three? I LOVE it. How many of us would admit to this publically? (fortunately I've been starting dishcloths as my 3, as I'm trying to have a stash ready-made for hurricane season and C4C).

Thursday, April 27, 2006 6:00:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

WOW!!! you have alot of projects going on.. and I thought I was bad at doing that!!..KNIT ON !!!

Sunday, April 30, 2006 7:44:00 PM  

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