iPod and Knitting

Let me introduce you to iPod. He is my 17 week old Labradoodle (Hybrid Dog - half poodle/half Labrador which does not shed) He is my pride and joy after my kids. But what I thought I would share with you is just how hard it is at times to knit or crochet with him around.
This morning I was going to get some knitting in but all of a sudden I could not find my new Aibhlinn KAL project. I had it last night before I went to bed... where could it have gone. Hum.. do I have a elves around? Did a little elf help me out last night and knit it all done??? Where oh where did my Aibhlinn go? I looked in every room. I could not find it any where. I looked inside and outside. How could I loose it. Is this a sign that maybe I should have not started another project when I have still many to finish... LoL. There is iPod sitting on the bed so calm and looking as if he had not done anything and there is our Jack Russell sound a sleep. Hum where could it have been taken to.
Oh well I had better get the dishes done so I can find it later.... I hate dishes... I hate household chores. Ok put the eggs away, Open the refrigerator...Guess what?
There it was my Aibhlinn, just chill'in out. Yeap I must be a ding bat. I truly am not blonde but there are moments. Here is what happened. I put my knitting into ZipLock baggies to keep them organized and so that the yarn does not get messed up. So as I picked up and put the milk away from Johnny's coffee, I must have had my knitting with me. I put the milk where it goes and darn it... I put my yarn on the shelf... OOOoopppppppppps!
Just popping by! I'm another think pink KAL gal! Ipod is SO CUTE!
Oh MY gosh! Your puppy is so cute! What a face. Where did you find him?
Oh, my yarn...GORGEOUS! You would not believe, I am thrilled. Signed up for the next one a week from Saturday, wool, YAY! Hope to see you there!
:-) Debra
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