PPIP and Stash Addiction

What have I done! Oh My Frigging gosh! I entered into a yarn maddnes. From left to right first the pink I had but I got the black to start on a new project that I saw at "Stitch Cafe" oh how beatiful this throw was and these are the colors that I just want to put -YES they are bright and bold but they scream out ME! Then the middle Red-White-Blue is for a felted buttonhole bag which will be my 3rd and it is for yes July 4th, 2005. I am going to make my mother and me both one. then there is that little pile of Noro Silk garden. I had to have it. The color was so awesome. Springy I want to make the mobieus with it so I am just waiting until Friday and wham I shall be casting on. Then there is this last pile which were all ready balled for me. The bottom 3 are noro also but it is so for a PPIP (Potential Project in Progress) most likely a booga bag. Then the 2 blue is a denim color that is alittle varigated and is also for a buttonhole bag... I think. and then the black is just one that I needed if I am going to make anything with the other one that I already have in my stash. Stay tooned to see how it goes.
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