Thursday, June 02, 2005

Moebius Completed - "A Treasury of Magical Knitting"

My first moebius is completed just in time I am going to be wearing this on Saturday when we venture down to Laguna Hills, CA for the Yarn Lady bag sale. This is from the book "A treasury of Magical Knitting" it was so easy and quick. The twisted is not grafted but this is the way it works with the Moebius technique. You work the top and bottom all at once. I think a total of 3 days and one of those days I had a huge bbq and the other day I was getting ready for the bbq. They yarn I used was cotton ribbon that I had hand dyed myself. I am very happy with the out come of it. Tell me what you think.


Blogger Shrink to Fit said...

That is beautiful! I have been thinking of making one of these. I love your colors!

I can so relate to your SABLE thing. I really don't know how all this yarn got here! hee! hee!

Tuesday, June 07, 2005 8:42:00 AM  

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