Saturday, May 28, 2005

Here is what the booga bag looked like before I put it into the washing machine. I was not sure how the top edge was going to work out but after the first wash I had to straighten it out just a tad from rolling but after that it felted just great. The next one I make will probably be 2x the size. In stead of 34 cast ons I wll probably do like 50. Also after felting it and attaching the handles I will also make those different. I will make a specific eyelet row for the handles. I was not impressed with punching out the hole for the handles. It seemed to be a little thready if that makes sense. I hated to have to punch a hole in my hard work. I used Kureyon for the yarn and liked the color was not sure how the brown or the green would work but after felting wow. I was completely taken by how it worked out. This is a must try for anyone who wants to do felting.


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