Too Sleep or Too Knit (answer in the morning)
Have you ever had one on those nights where you can not decide whether to knit or go to sleep and the more you think about it you just can not decide? I am so tired from this week but I want to finish my other glove. I have been sitting here reading all my old mail that I have missed and catching up on everyone’s blog but in the back of my head I am fighting with the idea of sleep. But then I think well if I get up from the computer I could just go sit and knit for awhile. I did this the other night and I ended being up until 3 am… that sucked since I get up around 5:30 am. I know that I would be more productive if I just went to bed and got a fresh start tomorrow but I have so much to do this weekend. But I want my other glove finished…. Dang what a dilemma? I need to figure this out or just go to bed and sleep on it…. LOL Just my random thought from the moment. ~Enjoy!
Hi Janet...
My Problem seems to be that I spend too much time on this Computer...
Maybe I can finish some of my projects if I put in less Puter Time :)
I'd probably stay up and knit until I fell asleep on the couch with the needles in my hands {g} As for computing - and I do spend too much time up here - I've taken to leaving the yarn & needles for my Cloths For Katrina project next to the keyboard so that I can pick them up and knit while I'm reading the news sites & blogs.
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