Lil' Red Bag - Finished

Not much time to blog but here was my latest project. From the book "Purseanalities" - Little Red Bag. It was quick and easy. I have to say this only took one day to make. But here is the funny fact. The little black beads almost cost more then one of the skeins of yarn. Anyone need Little black Pony Beads? I only needed 20 beads but ended up with about 500 of them since I could not wait to shop around looking for them. I had the bad completed up to the bead row but then I had to stop and wait for the beads... I found them at Michaels Craft Store but I did not want to get 500 beads... but I broke down and bough them. I have to say the bead row went very quick and then all I had to do is finish it. I made this for my sister. We are celebrating her birthday this weekend and I needed a gift for her. Even my DH loved the bag. He usually just says "Nice" or "Ya I saw it" but this time as it was drying in the kitchen he came in where I was and told me "I like your little christmas bag". WOW - he actually notices things. Shocked me.

my dh always says thats cute! it really irritates me! LOL!
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