Friday, December 02, 2005

Potato Chip Scarf Knitalong

Well once you knit one you just can't stop. Here it is to another knitalong with so much fun. Come and have some fun with us all knitting the famous Potato Chip Scarf. This is a scarf that has become such a fun scarf to knit with others. From North DaKota to Southern California. Local Yarn Stores have discovered this fantastic fun scarf to knit.

This scarf has been seen in so many places and there are so many different variation and all variations are welcome and all free pattern versions are welcome.

I was introduced to this pattern from a friend after a vacation back home. She came back with this fun new pattern that she had discovered while visitin family in the North West. I looked at it and it look like so much fun. Here was a pattern for a curly scarf which I had crocheted for years infact that I won a second prize on my crocheted version in February of this year when I was just starting to knit. I was intreged to knit this scarf but at the time of being shown the pattern I had one too many projects going and I was on a Scarf Strike. Well a month or so later I was re introduced to the pattern by the same individual and still was intreged. So as I talked with another friend we decided to knit it together 3 people just having fun knitting a fun scarf. Then we thought... Oh yes lets make it a Local Knitalong. Then we thought how much 2 of us love to blog and knitalong so we just had to start a blogging knitalong for this fun scarf. So here is were it began.

I hope to post pictures soon of my version of the Potato Chip scarf. I am using Karabella Melange and TrendSetter Aura for one of the sides of my double ruffle Potato Chip scarf. The other side will be Karabella Aurora 8. As I am sitting here I am realizing that this scarf can be a stash buster. For those of you who want to bust your stash come and join us.

My next version of the scarf is going to be made with a skein of Disco that I found and I want to have a real bling bling fun scarf.

Stay Tuned for more on this fun filled experience.


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