Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Am I burned out?

Well lets see! Am I burned out on knitting??? Heck! NO! is that clear enough?

Some of you may only know me for less then a year but I feel the need to explain who I am and what I am about!

First I suffer from 3 cronic illnesses that can kick my butt! The worst time of year for me is the beginning of summer. Mainly because I can not tolerate the heat, my body can not take the sun, and my pain level elevates above what I can usually handle. I am not asking for anyones sympothy. I am just explaining who I am. When it was told to me that others felt that I am burned out on knitting ~ it hurt to my soul. Knitting and yarn are my life right now and have been since I discovered knitting. I have crochetted since I was little but since I discovered knitting I have only tapped into the realm of yarn obsession. I might not be as productive as I am in the previous months but I am still knitting. I might not have as many projects going but I am still knitting away.

Am I burned out?
Why? Because I am not buying alot of yarn? Well, my yarn stash has become so enormous that I need to sort it out and figure what I am going to do. But who has time for that when there is more yarn to get. Or more patterns to find... Or more projects to start.

Am I burned out?
Why? Because I have decided to think before knitting? I previously would start a project and then another one and then another one and so on.... Noticeing that finishing was not getting done. So after RE-EVALUATING the situation I decided to be more causious about casting on. I have also starting knitting for children. But I am still felting.

Am I burned out?
Why? Because several of the project recently have KICKed My Butt? Ya I have been working on patterns that I just have not been able to figure out. I am working the kinks out but I will not let them defeat me.

Am I burned out?
Why? Because my posting on my blog are few and far between? Heck No. I have had computer trouble. Yes... I have had to turned to my Computer Cense's but still they are unable to figure it out either. 2 computers down along with maintaining lets see.... 12 computers just for my immediate family... (parents, siblings, kids, johnny's and my own).

Am I burned out?
Why? Because family seems to be in the way of knitting? Well, first off family is a major part of my life. Kids, siblings, parents, partners and pets have and will take up alot of my life which usually means the knitting needles have to be put aside but this does not mean that I am burned out!

Life can get you down but I am one that usually does not let it but that does not mean that I am burned out!

I love knitting!
I am knitting!
I am not burned out!
I love knitting!


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