Friday, June 23, 2006

Majolica Bag Start!

Here it is. My Noni Majolica Bag Start. I am using the Red and Fuschia as the pattern calls for. Go figure. This is the first time I have followed the pattern color just because I love both of the colors. This stranding is a little hard to get use to at first. I am holding both colors in opposite hands so I am knitting English & Conteninetal. I just have to rememeber to always wrap counter clock wise. Other wise my stitches will be on the needle going 2 different directions. I like the bag but I only have the first 8 rows done. This is going to be my weekend project.

Here is the stranding close up. This bag is going to be rather thick. I now know why the pattern calls for so much yarn. I think it is going to be totally cool. Stay Tuned to see what happens with this project. Woo Hoo!Posted by Picasa


Blogger Kathy said...

Love the colors. Can't wait to see more progress...

Saturday, June 24, 2006 5:41:00 AM  

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