Monday, June 19, 2006

Monday Morning WIP

Project 1: Mason Dixon - Kimono out of Gedifra Fiocco. 3/4 the way complete.
One more side to knit and then seam up but I have to have it finished. Zoe is here and I want her to wear it but I need help with the seaming. Not my best part.

Project 2: Bag's A Knitter's Dozen - Market Squares out of Galway. 3 Teirs almost complete.
Not really happy with the colors I have choosen so I think this one is going to get frogged until I can get the right colors I want. Ya I know... Stupid but I would rather be happy with the colors then the actual bag... Is that stupid or what. And after seeing Three Bag's Full version of this bag. I am going to change my colors. There is a BAL (Bag Along) for this bag which is MarketSquaresBAL. Come Join the Fun! The group is starting to do it again.

Project 3: - Pedicure Sock out of Noro Tidiori. Just need to finish the ribbing.
I just am not a sock person. This went together real easily. I was able to make this one 3/4 of the way at the World Wide Knit In Public 2006 in Santa Monica at Douglas Park. But I just can not get inspiared to finish it. Oh well.

Project 4: ABC's of Creative Pursuits - Entrelac Postman ouf of Noro Silk Garden & Kureyon 1/2 way complete.
I am working on this slowely but I try to pick it up every few days. I just find to many more projects to make. Darn it! Plus I am straying from the pattern so it is taking some thinking. I need to just focus and figure it out.

Project 5: Noni Bag's - Dr. Seuss-ish "Cat In the Hat" bag out of Paton's Wool 1/3 of the way complete.
Stripes Stripes Stripes... very simple pattern. Should not take a long time to finish. I have yet to use this yarn before but I want needed to start the bag for the KAL and I needed the colors so I had to settle for this yarn. We shall see how it works. I have seen several bags made of it and I have liked what I have seen but since there are only a few colors by this company I will have to see.

Project 6: The Bloomin' Knitiot's - B-4 Bag out of Noro Kureyon 1/4 complete.
I casted on over the weekend so this should go pretty fast. On the bobble row which takes time. I really like this bag. I will get stuck when it comes to the beads since I don't have any yet. But I have a few rows to go before it get there.

Project 7: - T-Twist ouf of Big Baby 4 rows finished.
I am waiting on the needle. Can't going anywhere until I have that. I have started and finish the twisted hem but I have to join in the round now so it is kind of important to have the circular needle. LOL.

Ok... so there it is. Here is a list of my current WIP's. Stay tuned for more exciting information about these projects and much much more.



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