Thursday, June 15, 2006

New Pink Knitting Bag and More...

Well I treated myself yesterday to a morning and afternoon of shopping. I rarely do this but I just decided to take the day off. I started running around getting alot of my earns done and then I decided to go in to Barnes and Nobles to see what's up. What would you know when I walked in I saw this great PINK bag jumping out at me. I just had to buy it. But there was a catch... The catch was that it was 1/2 off if you buy 2 bags. Ok.. then off to the knitting book isle. Now lets see. Hum 14.95 or buy 2 books?? I will buy 2 books. But there were so many to decide on. So... I grabbed a stack and went and found a com-fy chair and curled up in it and then realized I had skipped over the magazine isle... Grab more. Buy time I got donw I had 5 books and several magazines. So then I had to do the enie, minie, moe.... so I ended up with Stitch n' Bitch Happy Hooker and the Yarn Harlots At' Knit's End along with Crative Knitters Magazine. So then I decided to go and check a LCS (Local Craft Store)... I just wanted some needles. Ok... so then I found more to buy then just needles. I am one of those people that love Metal Knitting needles. I think it is because they remind me of my Grandma but I always never seem to have the size that I need so in the LCS I went and came out spending much more then I decided. But lots of pink stuff. Mostly items to make our New Grandbaby Zoe a Kimono and other things... Ya... I know Pink. I LOVE PINK... So if that was not enough I ended up treating myself to Lunch and then over to buy some Bare Essentials "Summer Special". Ok enough spending... well that is for now. LOL Oh I almost forgot I did get some yarn for my Dr Suess-ish Bag by Noni Bags aka Nora Bellows. But that yarn is hiding in the back end of my car. I could not bring it all in. As it was Johnny saw my new bag and said "How Special ANOTHER Pink blank, blank, blank Bag. And it is filled with Yarn!~G R E A T" so I decided to leave the rest of the yarn in the back of my car. Once he leaves for work I will go and get it Out! Woo Hoo! Enjoy~ Posted by Picasa


Blogger Erica said...

I saw those bags at B&N yesterday, too (and was tempted by them!).

I LOVE Silk Garden. I've never been able to get it to felt much, but maybe I'll try again...

Friday, June 16, 2006 11:37:00 AM  

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