Monday, May 02, 2005

To Frog or Not To Frog

Ok... I need some advice before I get going to much further. I screwed up and I am not sure if I should rip it rip it rip it... or not. I am currently making an Aibhlinn from

Here is the problem:
I must have been sleep knitting and messed up a row. I figure I could correct it on the next row but I see that I was really sawing some zzzzzzz's I had the count of 4 purls every now and then... so when I started to fix it I just figure I would do it on the next row... I am not that far that it would make a problem of frogging it completely. What do you all think?

Should I start Crocking like a Frog? Or just let it be? The only issue I have is that the bobble row took me almost 1 day to do.... HELP! Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

Pattern can be found at:


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