Sunday, June 05, 2005

Yarn from our Yarn Field Trip (Yarn Lady Bag Sale)

Yeap... look at those heaps! Heaps and heaps of bags from the Yarn Lady Bag sale yesterday. I have to tell you how much fun I had going to all our fun places yesterday. The next few post will explain about all our fun. The yarn bag pictured here are not just mine but 4 peoples fun shopping for yarn in the Southern California area. We started at Yarn Lady and that is where most of my damage was done. 3 of us decided to split several bags of yarn to make a wrap with. I also was able to find some noro as that was what I was going down there for. My idea of only spending 20.00 bucks was rediculous... Ya right. But here is the start of all our fun. Thanks to Christy, Marva, Nancy and myself we will be on a high fiber diet for a few days.. LOL after this fun.


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