Papa and I got to babysit last night

Well I was not able to do much knitting last night because we got to have fun around here. Johnny's step daughter let us babysit for her last night. We got to play with Avery. She is such a great baby. I got to feed her and play with her before she went to bed. She is such a great baby. Excuse the hair do but I happen to alway take her pig tails out so she does not get ponytail head... LOL but it does nothing for her hair do. She went right to sleep and I thought that was to easy. Boy was I right. At about midnight she woke up and wanted to play. She played until 3:30 until she just finially crashed. She played very quietly and was so intreged by iPod the dog that when ever the dog would move she could not let him out of her site. I was very happy to see that iPod was so gentle with her also. He is just a puppy but the Lab in him really showed.

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