Thursday, November 10, 2005

My Weekend Project

My Weekend Project – Yeap I have set out to have a project for this weekend between all my knitting.  First clean the carpet in the spare room and make sure all my stepsons stuff is out of the room before I clean the carpet.  Clean the bedding in the room also.  Once that feet is done then start on the major project.  Cleanup my yarn stash, yeap that’s right.  I need to take the entire weekend and clean it up.  But first I must make room for it… LOL,  I am going to be moving it into the spare closet.  As if that, is going to hold it all.  Right now I am at 19 draws, 4 large Rubbermaid boxes one box with out a lid for all my leftovers.  Plus, the bags of projects, which are sitting in each room.  My plan is to put it all in one room and in one place.  This could be rather interesting.  Plus I am planning a trip to the local craft store to buy some cheap yarn.  Yes I am a Yarn Harlot but after seeing Ms. Jane’s bag today I just must make one.  I must I must I must.  Plus I need to make the other glove to my fingerless mitts.  Plus I need to work on my poncho, plus, plus… Oh will I ever get to my organizing.  I feel like I am being trapped by yarn right now.  I can not even get to my computer comfortably right now because everything seams to be piling up on my desk.  So the plan is to start fresh and clean.  As if that is going to happen… LOL  As if I need to go and buy more yarn to add to my stash.  BTW – I did mention that I ordered more yarn on eBay this week.  But it is for a project.  I swear!  I sward… I have a project in mind for 4 of the 6 skeins…. Oh what is a person to do?  When they suffer from SABLE – Stash Acquisition Beyond Life Expectancy.  I am going to have to live until I am 300 years old to make it all.  Did I mention my other new obsession which is starting to take over my bedroom….BEADING…? Oh help!  I have bought more yarn and more beads will it ever stop???  I sure hope not.  Now if I can just stick to my new idea… DO NOT CAST ON before Binding something else off.  Ya that’s it… don’t do it… Like, I can control myself.  LOL  Can YOU?


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