Potato Chip Scarf Progress Report

My progress on my Potato Chip is going very slowly. I just finished the first ruffle bind off using the double crochet which was very fun and fast but it still took me a darn long time to get to this point. I am going to move up to a larger needle for the second ruffle. The pinkie peach yarn is my provisional cast on yarn so I will be casting on using it tonight I hope. The second ruffle is not going to have the furry/glittery yarn. I am going to just use Karabella Melange for the second ruffle. Cross your fingers as I hope it will be an easy cast on.... HELP! I am scared at just how much it is going to take for me to finish this one. I was able to get to the last increase row in one day but it took over a week and a halp to get to this binded off point. Dang those increases get a little thick... HUM I wonder just what I was thinking when I casted on so many. The only good thing is that I did not cast on as many as Kelly - tee hee tee hee.... her finial stitch count is going to be 1600 sts dang!

Thanks for rubbing it in!!!
Scarf is looking good, Janet. I am on my last increase row and it's 1440 stitches. YUK! I also did not decorate for Christmas this year. Probably because Christy and Chuck went to Arkansas and we are going to Palm Springs. I'm spending Christmas AM with Melissa and kids (they did decorate) and then leaving for a week! YEA!
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