Stitch Cafe's 2nd Annual Holiday Open House

Oh What Fun we had at the Stitch Cafe last night for its 2nd Annual Holiday Open House of the Stitch Cafe Here is the gang. From Oceanside, Taft, Bakersfield and Claremont - Back Row: Christy, myself, Kelly, Lisi and Sue and seated at the table is Melissa. We had so much fun shopping and finding hidden treasures.

Kelly happend to be a "Stitch Cafe" virgin but I can tell you she was in fantasy land. Looking at all the hand dyed and various other fibers. She was like a kid in a candy store. I am so glad she was able to join us.

Christy, Sue and Melissa shopped away looking for all the finds. Christy was able to get the Cascade that she needed and Sue found lots of fun yarns to work with. Melissa was shopping away finding other yarns to make more projects... It was an all over fun time.

And if that was not enough after all that shopping we were treated to a nice table of treats to nibble on as we worked our way amongst all the holiday yarn shoppers.

So as to stay warm we gathered around the fire to warm ourselves and think of other things that me might go back in and buy. While talking and chatting we were treated to several musical venues that were so wonderful. I truly enjoyed this outting. And if that was not enough we are invited to take part in a fantastic Grand Opening of a lovely bath shop by the name of "Bath Lush", just 2 doors down from the Stitch Cafe. There also was a jean party going on out in the courtyarn area but I have to say yarn was on the top of all our minds. We even got a chance to meet Lisi wonderful husband and kids. As the evening ended we found ourself leaving this little Valley Village hide away.

This evening was so fun. We were able to meet up with individuals that we had only emailed back and forth. We were able to meet up with Instructors, customers, employee, friends and family of the Stitch Cafe. What a wonderful end to a wonderful outting. All of us and our green bags.... OH WAIT a minute.... I was the only one with out a green bag but that's ok.... I feel another venture coming on soon. Thank you Lisi, Family and friends for such a fantastic Holiday Open House. And a wonderful adventure in the world of knitting! Amazing the miles a person will drive to enjoy the company of others and to buy more yarn to add to our seam bursting Stash. Too cool!

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You had better call me berfor you go...that is if my phone works!!! Thanks for the great time!
Kelly "Kellann"
Janet - Well . . . I beat you to posting on my blog, but you far outdid me with your post. I never even thought to take all of the pictures you did. Way to go!! It certainly was fun and I'd love to meet up again when you guys come down. The next time I visit Christy, I'll con her into bringing me over to your LYS. Take care, Sue
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