Saturday, December 03, 2005

This weeks UPDATE

This weeks UPDATE:  Well as usual I had all these plans to do so much but I seem to fall short of doing ½ of the stuff.  Chaos #1 – iPod the dog ate the couch for lunch one afternoon.  I am going to kill the dog… Darn it and the couch is less then a year old.  iPod does not know but he is walking on a fine line right now.  Chaos #2 – My dear mother had to have surgery.   Since I knew about it the week of Thanksgiving I thought it was no big deal.  But I came to find out last night that just how much it bothered me for the past 10 days.  Actually I discovered just how much I was worried after the surgery was over and the I had talked to the doctor.  My mother, I love her dearly but there are times that she is way to strong and should let us in on things.  She is a breast cancer survivor of 18plus years and recently she decided to have a lump removed.  Funny she never told us she found a lump years ago… Funny she never mentioned to us that she had a lump at all.  Every year we get the “Clean Bill of Health” speech after her yearly check ups.  So here are the facts.  My mother would postpone anything if it got in the way of Christmas.  She put off having both her knees replace until after the summer was over so she could still go on vacation even though she was in so much pain.  As I talked to her over the last week about the upcoming surgery I thought ok… This must be big.  She does not mess with Christmas.  But since the conversation I had had with her about the upcoming surgery always ended with me getting her famous lecture I decided not to worry about it (Ya! Right!).  Ok….  So once I took her to the surgery center, I decided to call my 3 other siblings to let them know what was going on.  Yeap… just like me they were all blind sided.  Did not know or when they were told it was no big deal coming from my mothers conversation with them.  They were all shocked but wanted to be informed as soon as I found anything out.  So to tell you the type of person that I am: I am not the person you really want to go with you to a hospital or a funeral.  I can not sit still and I can not take blood and needles or very emotional things… I am a nervous WRECK when it comes to things like this.  So I thought this would be a good time to knit right?  Knit… ya that’s it knit on your cable hat and see what happens… na I could not even concentrate on which row I was on even though I had a check off sheet… Ok… work on the Potato Chip scarf… Ya that’s right knit oh wait now my mother wants me…. Ok put the knitting away…. Sit for 2 hours next to my mother waiting in the PreOp room… I am not the patient one in the family…   Ok… so then get a phone call from my father asking how my mother was doing… Usually my Dad would be here with my mom but my dad was sick and also his long time business partner had past away and his funeral was Today of all days.  Well,  like I said… I am the last person you want at either a hospital or a funeral.  Ok… so I sent my oldest son with my Dad to the funeral and I would do the hospital watch…  Ok… I can do this.  

Remember I told you my Dad had called… well I found out that my Dad could not make it to the funeral because he was so sick that he went to the doctor.  Ok… I knew he was sick and we were trying to get him to go to the doctor but he would not go… he is just as stubborn as I am.  I know where I got the stubbornness from.   Ok… my Dad says that he is very sick but it is not Phnemonia SSSSSSSSSSSsssshhhhhhhhhhhhhh! Thank god.  To know my Dad he must have been very sick to miss his best friends funeral and went to the doctor…. Ok.. more stress… ok.. I can deal with this right…

Finally that take my mother into surgery and I can go out and sit and knit… YA Right… I had to call all my siblings and everyone to let them know the status… as I am in the waiting room by myself… I start pacing pacing.  I ended up cleaning up picking up and throwing away all the leaves and other garbage that was laying around.  (The leaves where from the fact that this was the worst rainy day of the year so far).  And I just could not sit still.  I paced. And Paced more…  Finally I got to talk to a friend and I seemed to be calming down… then the doctor wanted to tell me how the surgery went.  It was nothing and not to worry… He removed the mass and said it was A OK…  CELEBRATE!  CELEBRATE!

FALL APART! Yeap that’s right… this is my time to fall apart now.  I started to pace more and more picking up and straightening the chairs boy was my OCD kicking in.   They have hired help to do these things… why am I doing it… because it calms me.  I even straightened the Christmas lights on one of the waiting room trees… How crazy is that?  So as I pace more one of the nurses comes out to talk to me… HERE IT COMES I have to go to recovery OH SHIT! I don’t like this…. Oh! Shit! But no the nurse came out to give me a hug.  She could tell I was getting ready to have a melt down… Damn It! I could not hold it back any longer.  Wow!  My mother was going to be OK and damn it I was worried about it all and just from that simple hug I was able to pull it together and manage to do the recovery room just fine after that.  What a fantastic Nurse.  That is why they pay them the big bucks… The know what everyone needs…  Cool my Mother is ok and my father is going to be ok… cool…

Now about the Dog…. Well we will just have to see about that!


Blogger Kellann said...

Wow...I am glad you are doing okay now!!! You had me worried as I was reading that post and then I got to the bottom and said (out loud mind you) "Good, She is Okay!" Hang in there Babe...I will see you sometime this week?!?!?


Monday, December 05, 2005 9:15:00 AM  

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