Sunday, June 11, 2006

WWKIP 2006 & Yarn Porn

Way To Go Los Angeles SnB World Wide Knit In Public Day in Santa Monica, CA at Douglas Park on Wilshire & 25th Street. This is not a very clear pic since this one is from my Cell phone but we had a great fun turn out. I got to meet alot of great women and a guy and Seymor the mascot and a very precious lil' girl who gave us rose petals. It was an all around fun time. Even if I am sun burnt today the day after. I have to say I was even able to get knitting done. Thanks to the Yarn Pirate for organizing and also doing the great drawing for the Lorna's Laces Sock Yarn and the Lantern Moon key chain. So sad I did not win but it was so worht going to. I would also like to thank all you Los Angeles SnB's for letting me join in your group. What a cool group to be a part of. I can see it will be so worth the drive down there.

More Pictues of the fellow Knitters and "LA is my Bet"

And more pix

Ok... so now on with some Yarn Porn... I was able to get some yarn shopping in before I went to the gathering in Santa Monica. I stopped in at Valley Village's "The Stitch Cafe" for some well needed Stash Busting. I am proud to say that my Cascade 220 is now beaming with new colors. Along with some awesome new patterns that seem to be all the rage "Noni Bag" patterns... woo hoo!

Stay tuned for more adventures with Knitapalooza! Posted by Picasa


Blogger Unknown said...

I am glad that you are back!! I hope that you are better! It looks like you had a wonderful time yesterday!

Sunday, June 11, 2006 9:20:00 PM  
Blogger Jen said...

HI... great to meet you on Saturday and thanks for coming all the way down from Bakersfield... so jealous of your half yarn, half beads shop.

I'm also admiring the doggie on your side bar. Is that a sweater you made for him/her?

Monday, June 12, 2006 4:29:00 PM  

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