Monday, July 17, 2006

B4 Before Felting by Knitapalooza

Here is my bag. The photo was an act of luv since it is about 105 degrees outside. I could not get the colors to show up when I took the picture inside. Good old fashion sunlight did the trick. Well, I finally finished it. It was really great when I had the time to finish it. It is currently in the washing machine felting but I figured I would be to busy to post those pictures for awhile, so I had atleast post this one to show you all what I have done. The pony/crow beads are a purple iris glass, which I am dieing to see how they turn out after felting. I am not going to add buttons I don't think. But one thing that I will point out is that this bag was fun to make. Quick easy and fun. The yarn that I used was single stranded Noro Kureyon. The skein actualy had a yellow in it but since Yellow is one of my least favorite colors I removed it from the skeins. I like the way the colors worked out without the yellow. I donated all the yellow to someone that luvs yellow! I have 2 more stacks of yarn to make this bag again. One in Noro Kureyon #116 which is black/grey/brugandy with strands of green. I am going to be removing most of the brugandy because I am trying for a Black/Grey look. The beads on that one are going to be silver. I am so ready to cast that one on. But my needles are a little busy on a Pinwheel Sweater. I should be able to cast on later tonight if not first thing tomorrow. Cross your fingers.Posted by Picasa


Blogger Dew said...

Please please post the "after" pix! I'm dying to try felting but nervous as anything!!!


Sunday, July 23, 2006 11:33:00 PM  

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