Saturday, May 14, 2005

Felted Knits (A must have book)

A must have book. If you are interested in felting then this is the book for you. "Felted Knits" by Beverly Galeskas. It is by Interweave Press and is still in print so look for it at I discovered this book as I was knitting at a LYS and the staff member showed me a pattern out of it... wow exactly what I was looking for. And then I looked through the book and I was amazed at the amount of useful information about felting and samples and all the cute patterns. It is not a big book but it is loaded with useful information.

I am getting ready to cast on one of the small bags so I hope to have pics soon. It is suppost to go really quick... oh wait I can't ... I don't have the needles. I am at a point with this needle drout that I am going to carve my own. I have several needles I need for these project and I just can not find them either locally or with in a few hours. I know it would be just as easy to order them online but a lot of places have them on back order also. Come on people stop hoggin all the needles - we all want to have fun.


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