Monday, May 16, 2005

Homemade Yarn Dyeing Project

Ok.. here it is. I am going to attempt to dye yarn on my own. It appears to be quite an investment. I bought plastic bins, plastic squeeze bottles, microwave safe saran wrap, 2 skeins of Lion Cotton, 2 skeins of Lion Fisherman Wool, several Dylon dyes and Kool aid. Now I have all the stuff ready to get going. We (Christy and I) are going to attempt dying the yarn real soon. I have put the yarn into hanks so that I can paint on the dye and I am ready for the rest of the process. Just need the vinegar, paper towels and the microwave. I hope to that this really works out. I want to invest in other types of dye and other fibers but this was what is readily available in our local craft stores. I hope to get into the Jacquard Acid Dye for Wool and Silk. ~ Keep your eyes open and see how this works out!


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