Sunday, June 05, 2005

Full View of my Stash from the Yarn Lady Bag Sale

Here is a smaller view of just my damage of our fieldtrip to 5 yarn stores yesterday... Yeap count them 5 stores. I refrained myself from shopping at 2 of the stores but it was so hard... I thought they were going to have to pry my charge cards from my cold dead hands... LOL But Here is the count as of last night: 3 full bags of TrendSetter Yarn 2 of which will be shared with others in my stitching group. 1 bag of Noro. 1 skein of cascade Pastaza which was the wrong dye lot complete worthless. 1 skein of Foxy Fun Fur to be used with the wrap we are all making. 2 more skeins of Cascade from another store and 2 more varigated Cascade skeins from the same store. 1 pattern from our local yarn store and lots and lots of fun. I will tell you more about each stores as I have some time. They were all very very wonderful and I can not wait to go back but I must finish a project or 2 before I do that again... LOL


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