Tendinitis of the thumb and pinkie - No Knitting for 2 weeks...
You will all love this one. I had to go to my monthly pilgramiage to UCLA Medical today. 250 mile round trip but I was able to get in yarn shopping LOL but I had to see my doctor. So I have 2 major illnesses I have been batteling for the last 3 years. I thought my arthritis was just getting really bad in my right hand. I have now found out NOPE it's not my arthritis. I have Tendinitis of the thumb and pinkie. To the point that I have to splint them 24 hours a day for at least 1 week to see if it gets better... The fact is that it is in my right hand and I am a lefty so I guess I am going to put down the sticks and pick up the hook for awhile. No knitting for 2 weeks.... but I bet I can crochet... cross your fingers. I am going to go nutz with out making all my felted projects. Plus I have to finish a baby blanket that I started but frogged it and need to start it again by Saturday @ 3pm How am I going to do it! This SUCKS!
Oh, no! I hope your hand gets better soon. You sound just like me, already trying to figure out how to get around this setback! Take it easy and you'll be knitting in no time.
Sorry to hear that! Maybe you could spend the time dying wool for future felted projects (I am really caught up in making things to felt right now too, so totally empathise).
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