Monday, November 14, 2005

Plans for Mega Clean were derailed

Plans for Mega Cleaning and Organizing went by the wayside over the weekend!  Well I thought I was going to get a lot done over these few days but I got going on Friday and by Friday evening the plans had all changed.  

I received a phone call from my Oldest son around 5pm.  He had been in another accident.  His first words were that the Explorer was gone.  So we went down to deal with that crisis.  The next day we spent most of the time in the Emergency Room to find out my son had messed up his back and also had a concussion.  The accident was not my sons fault but the fault of a man racing to run a red light.  So now we get to deal with that fun stuff.  

But for the rest of the weekend I did find some time to knit alittle on my Acrylic Wrist Warmers and I also found a pattern that I have been looking for.  So this weekend was not totally lost.

Also I was on an adventure to our local Wally World aka Wal-mart where I discovered something that I stopped myself from getting but I just might go back and buy some today.  I found Fun Fur in Gold/Silver/Metallic Red/Metallic Black.  Oh dear god help me.  I want it all.  I think they will make a fantastic purse.  I must I must buy oh let see 3 of each color?... Yeap… I shall or should I just wait and buy it online and get the yarn called Happy.  What shall I do…. Darn I also need to go and buy the yarn to make that rose felted purse.  I am only missing the green but that is what is holding me up from starting it….  Decisions Decisions Decisions! I could just go to the other LYS but that is not something that I would like to do… but what should I do… I want to get going on it.

HELP!  Too many choices, Too many skeins of yarn… what will I do!  Stay tuned.


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