The Vegas Scarf Game at our LYS
I know long time no post but you know the holidays, even though I know that is no excuse. Ok. Well I have been so busy that even my knitting bag is a mess. I started a new project tonight and I hope to post pictures later as soon as I get my camera out o the car. LOL
Well, tonight at our LYS we had such a blast playing the “Vegas Knitting Scarf Game. This is a must if you ever want to have a blast and make a scarf in total randomness. If that’s a word. For the last several weeks we have been planning this evening of fun at our LYS. An it was a blast. We had about 20 women all there to play the knitting game. The original idea came from a scarf we found in the Knitting Box 2006 (March 21st) I believe. Also you can find the information at HERE. This was a blast. We actually all followed the game each taking turns rolling the dye and flipping the coin.
Here is what we did as a store:
Materials Needed:
6 different yarns (monochromatic or variety in color) Various Textures
1 Quarter (Coin)
1 Dye (from a pair of Dice)
1 index card
6 Ziploc baggies label 1-6
We told everyone that we were going to play the “Vegas Knitting Game” for the last 3 weeks suspense killed everyone.. All we told everyone was that they needed 6 yarns monochromatic or variety, all different textures. I personally started with a Noro Kureyon and found different colors of ribbon yarn, novelty yarns and other fun stuff. Yes I was difficult because I found 7 instead of 6. So I made a change to the original game.
We gave everyone six Ziploc baggies to put each of their yarns in. Many of the people brought in a few yarns and bought several more to make there six. Some used Trendsetter Segue and other fun novelty yarns, Patons, Karabella just all sorts of yarns. It was great. Several of the people did monochromatic and it was absolutely gorgeous. I person did a variety that were very bright and I love it.
On the index/sheet of paper we put a grid of 6 boxes labeling it Yarn one, Yarn two, Yarn Three, Yarn four, Yarn five & Yarn Six. WE had everyone cut a small sample of each of their yarn and tape them to the piece of paper or index card. We never told them what was happening. They just had to follow the pattern as we told them once they put the samples we gave them their choice of needles sizes. Much like the potato chip scarf we told them go get an average of their yarns gauge and go up 2 needles sizes. Most of the people tonight used 11 – 13 or 15. I used 13’s. We then told them figure how long they wanted their scarf to be. Some wanted short scarves some wanted long scarves. I personally wanted a very long one 7 to 8 feet. If they were using 11 we had them cast on 3 sts per inch and if they were using 13 or 15 we had them cast on 2 sts per inch. Since I wanted 7 feet which would be 84 inches and I was using 13’s I casted on 170 stitches. Before they could cast on they had to wait for everyone to figure this out. The anticipation was so much fun. We then got a silver dollar and had them write on their index card at the top of it
HEADs – Knit & TAILs – Purl
We then started the game by both rolling the dye Our first roll was a 2 this told everyone to grab their Yarn 2 and start casting on. It was a blast. We waited for everyone to cast on and this took some time but it worked great because a lot of people gabbed and looked around at what everyone was doing. At this point we had them decide if how long they wanted their fringe for the scarf and we had them cut their cast on yarn off leaving a 6 to 10 inches of yarn for the frindge. Once everyone had casted on with their yarn 2 it was time to really get to the meat of this game. WE then flipped the coin and rolled the dye. It was a 5 – Tails which meant pick up yarn number five and tie it on and start purling to the end of the row once finished with the row cut this yarn off leaving a 6 to 10 inch tail. Flip coin and roll dye and go from their. We had a blast. I think everyone had a blast. We are going to be doing it again on Saturday at our LYS. I have to tell you this was such a fun Stitch and Bitch Game to play.
For those of you who are like me and found 7 yarns instead of the required 6 here is what I did
Where there is a will there is a way:
When the dye rolled a number 4
I rolled again
If the second roll was an even number I used yarn numbered 4.
If the roll was a odd number I used yarn numbered 7.
Stay tuned for more exciting adventures in knitting with me.
Well, tonight at our LYS we had such a blast playing the “Vegas Knitting Scarf Game. This is a must if you ever want to have a blast and make a scarf in total randomness. If that’s a word. For the last several weeks we have been planning this evening of fun at our LYS. An it was a blast. We had about 20 women all there to play the knitting game. The original idea came from a scarf we found in the Knitting Box 2006 (March 21st) I believe. Also you can find the information at HERE. This was a blast. We actually all followed the game each taking turns rolling the dye and flipping the coin.
Here is what we did as a store:
Materials Needed:
6 different yarns (monochromatic or variety in color) Various Textures
1 Quarter (Coin)
1 Dye (from a pair of Dice)
1 index card
6 Ziploc baggies label 1-6
We told everyone that we were going to play the “Vegas Knitting Game” for the last 3 weeks suspense killed everyone.. All we told everyone was that they needed 6 yarns monochromatic or variety, all different textures. I personally started with a Noro Kureyon and found different colors of ribbon yarn, novelty yarns and other fun stuff. Yes I was difficult because I found 7 instead of 6. So I made a change to the original game.
- Karabella Festival
- Noro – Blossom
- Trendsetter Aura / Trendsetter – Sunshine (This yarn was so thin I doubled them together)
- Noro – Kureyon ******
- Trendsetter – Checkmate
- Gedfra – Fiocco
- Gedifra Serano (((I will explain how if did this at the end))))
We gave everyone six Ziploc baggies to put each of their yarns in. Many of the people brought in a few yarns and bought several more to make there six. Some used Trendsetter Segue and other fun novelty yarns, Patons, Karabella just all sorts of yarns. It was great. Several of the people did monochromatic and it was absolutely gorgeous. I person did a variety that were very bright and I love it.
On the index/sheet of paper we put a grid of 6 boxes labeling it Yarn one, Yarn two, Yarn Three, Yarn four, Yarn five & Yarn Six. WE had everyone cut a small sample of each of their yarn and tape them to the piece of paper or index card. We never told them what was happening. They just had to follow the pattern as we told them once they put the samples we gave them their choice of needles sizes. Much like the potato chip scarf we told them go get an average of their yarns gauge and go up 2 needles sizes. Most of the people tonight used 11 – 13 or 15. I used 13’s. We then told them figure how long they wanted their scarf to be. Some wanted short scarves some wanted long scarves. I personally wanted a very long one 7 to 8 feet. If they were using 11 we had them cast on 3 sts per inch and if they were using 13 or 15 we had them cast on 2 sts per inch. Since I wanted 7 feet which would be 84 inches and I was using 13’s I casted on 170 stitches. Before they could cast on they had to wait for everyone to figure this out. The anticipation was so much fun. We then got a silver dollar and had them write on their index card at the top of it
HEADs – Knit & TAILs – Purl
We then started the game by both rolling the dye Our first roll was a 2 this told everyone to grab their Yarn 2 and start casting on. It was a blast. We waited for everyone to cast on and this took some time but it worked great because a lot of people gabbed and looked around at what everyone was doing. At this point we had them decide if how long they wanted their fringe for the scarf and we had them cut their cast on yarn off leaving a 6 to 10 inches of yarn for the frindge. Once everyone had casted on with their yarn 2 it was time to really get to the meat of this game. WE then flipped the coin and rolled the dye. It was a 5 – Tails which meant pick up yarn number five and tie it on and start purling to the end of the row once finished with the row cut this yarn off leaving a 6 to 10 inch tail. Flip coin and roll dye and go from their. We had a blast. I think everyone had a blast. We are going to be doing it again on Saturday at our LYS. I have to tell you this was such a fun Stitch and Bitch Game to play.
For those of you who are like me and found 7 yarns instead of the required 6 here is what I did
Where there is a will there is a way:
When the dye rolled a number 4
I rolled again
If the second roll was an even number I used yarn numbered 4.
If the roll was a odd number I used yarn numbered 7.
Stay tuned for more exciting adventures in knitting with me.
Sounds like it was a very good time! I can't wait to see what yours looks like!
Must have been a blast!!
sounds like a great game...very original!
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