iPod's Hard Day

Here is iPod. He had a long day. If you don't already know iPod is my 6 month old Labradoodle. 1/2 Lab 1/2 Standard Poodle. Well today he had a long day. For the past few weeks he has been having lots of pain in his back end. This is not good for either of the 2 breeds he is. It was confirmed this afternoon afterhe had to be put out while they took extensive xray's of his hips. It was confirmed that he has hip dysplasia. The extent of it is not know at this time. We are waiting for a Vet/Ortho to review the xrays so we can make some decissions. 20 years ago they would suggest that you put the animal down. I know this fact because 20 years ago I had to have my puppy put to sleep because he was in so much pain. Well with modern day medicine they can correct it if it is caught early enough. The Vet feels we have caught it early. Now we just have to see just how far it is. It is effecting his tail and lower spin area. Notice the green bandage on his wrist from the IV and you can't see it but I found this hilarious. They shaved his privates... LOL I told Johnny he got a Brazilian Wax.... LOL Poor little Pod. Hopefully he will be ok. Cross your fingers.

Poor IPod.. I hope he's feeling better soon - veterinary medicine has come so far in recent years. 45 years ago we had a Brittany Spaniel with problems in her back knees - fairly common for the breed - and there wasn't much that could be done other than to carry her up and down stairs to lessen her pain.
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