Monday, November 14, 2005

Beginning Vogue Felted Rose Bag

I have started it. Here it is. For all of you who do not know about this new KAL. Here it is: Vogue Felted Rose Bag I just began the project this afternoon. After a day of fun. First I could not wait to get going on this but life got in the way. I had to be taxi for my oldest but during those erans I got him to let me go into our LYS. I was looking for the Green for this project and I have it in mind what I want. I was wanting a Cascade Heather Green but could not find it. I could have ordered it at one of our LYS but that would have taken too long for me... Ms. Impatience. I had to wait for the rose yarn since I had purchased it on eBay earlier this last week. But that had not come in the mail today either. So I went a little stir crazy. I started a rose with some Blood Red Cascade 220 but did not like how it turned out. So Rip It Rip It... I was not going to let myself get started on this project with out having it all. As I visited this LYS I found a yarn that would work and I was too impatient to wait to find the green else where. Well I had a few more erans to do before I got going. I even cooked dinner tonight... Don't go having a heart attack or anything but I even baked an apple pie for desert. Yeap... I can cook I just don't want anyone to know that... Especially my family. Dinner was over and now I get to knit. I have recently moved my stash into on of our spare uninhabited rooms to sort it out. What I found out tonight was the lighting was perfect. The room temperature was a mild cool to handle those power surges I seem to be having lately. To just knit away. But the time I looked I had gotten to Row 6 of the Trellis. I thought that was a good enough time to stop. But I want to continue... but I am getting sleepy so to not make any mistakes I put it down. Then I realized I had yet to post a picture of the yarn or anything so here it is.

Pink & Fuschia Cascade 220
Kiwi Green - Lamb's Pride Worsted
Black - Plymouth Galway
Size US 19 (15mm) straight needles ((And yes mine are to short but I could not wait))
Pattern with all the corrections that others have found
Vogue Knitting Magazine Fall/Winter 2004/2005 Project #32

I think that this pattern looks more difficult then the actual project. So far I have found that it takes lots of thinking and the stitches are easy... you just have to count and refer to your pattern all the time.

Check out the Knit A Long for this Purse.
Stay Tuned for progress on this adventure in Felting
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