Sunday, January 08, 2006

2 Steps forward, 1 step backwards

Have you ever had one of those days that it seems for every 2 steps you take you have to take 3 steps back.  It seems to be that type of day for me.  I have started a new project which I have written about previously “Crayon Box Jacket/Shrug”.  Well for every one row I do, I have had to take 2 rows out.  I can not seem to get a head.  I am getting so frustrated.  I think I have it figured out and get knitting and then bam… I have made a mistake somewhere and I have to take it out again.  I can not believe just how little progress I have made on my work.  I will post pictures tomorrow when I have the time.  

This also seems to be the same thing with dishes.  Every time I think I get caught up on the dishes… more pile up in the sink. How does this happen???

Calgon Take Me Away!


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