Monday, August 22, 2005

Wow - It's been so long

Sorry that it has been so long since my posting but I have been so busy around here. First I have been helping a friend with her yarn stuff and then on top of that I have had family coming in for visits or moving home. We also celebrated our kids birthdays this weekend. We celebrated 7 kids birthdays (2 were mine, 1 was Johnny's and 2 were Johnny's step daughters and 2 were their cousins which happen to be my sons best friends) SMALL World.

Well now that that is all over I now can sit down and have fun. I only 2554 messages to read through and I feel that I will probably just delete them all and start from scratch.

Now onto the knitting front. Well I actually was able to finish one project but I just don't have a picture of it... Really I did finish it. I made a capelet with Barbados from a pattern by Karabella. As soon as I have a moment I will post a picture. It was very easy and I would suggest it to anyone. I did not think that I would really like a capelet but I loved it and can not wait to make another. (Picture coming soon)

I hope to be able to cast on today another iPod sock. I have made several but I am working on a pattern for it. It is very easy and keep checking back for the pattern.

By the way I have let my SP5 pal know who I was after sending out the last package to her. It was so much fun. I put together a color matching package. Everything matched the yarn that I put into the package. It was so much fun to do. I enjoyed being a part of my first Secret Pal. I hope to be in the next on SP6 which can be found here . My pal was Jackie and her blog is HERE I have no clue as to who my pal was but I hope to find out soon.

On to the swap maker scene. Well I mailed off my first set of markers and recieved my first set of markers. I can not wait until the next set of markers get off to the next secret person. If you did/don't know about Stitch Marker Swap check it out here It is were we share with others markers that we make. I was the pal to Lynn who's blog is HERE (My first attempt) the funny thing about it was that we both were secret pals to each other. Picture to come soon.

Well off to charge up the camera and then come back and check out all the photo's I hope to have posted. Take care and I hope you have enjoyed yourself here in my neck of the woods.

Saturday, August 13, 2005

Secret Pal 6

Secret Pal 6 it is here - Secret Pal 6. If you did not sign up in time for the last SP5 then get going now. Deadline to sign up ins September 3, 2005. Matches will be distributed on or before September 11, 2005 and will run from September 12 through December 4, 2005. It is only for knitters and crocheters. Hope to see a lot of you over there.

If you do not know about the Secret Pal thing then let me explain. You sign up to give and receive. You give treats to someone and another person give you items but it is all done secretly until the end when you reveil who you are to your Secret Pal. I received a gift from my pal this time. And I have sent several gifts to my pal. I have also sent several posts to her blog as to tease who I am. It is really fun and it is a great way to receive surprises in your actual mailbox from others who share your passion for yarn. Check it out!

Tuesday, August 09, 2005

So little time so much to do...

Yeap I did it again. I started another project with out finishing it. I am making a capelet for the place I knit at. I also found other things to do among all the awesome yarn. I can not beleive that I can not help myself from starting new projects when I really need to finsh old ones. I still have several Buttonhole bags that I need to do but just have not had the chance to do. I also have to put together the pattern that I created for an iPod sock which you can where around your neck. I made the sample with some cheap yarn but have not had the time nor the energy to remake it in the Karabella Zodiac yarn that I origianlly wanted to make it in.

Well for my family this is one of those crazy months. Vacations, back to school and birthdays. Will it ever come to an end. This year my boys are turning 21 & 16 so I have to have a great big celebration but we also have 5 other family members that have their birthdays all with in the month so why not celebrate them all at once - RIGHT??? sounds great to the parents and the other people that will be helping pay for it but when it comes to the kids... well that is another story in its self.... I will post more when I have time. Take care and I hope everyone is having a fantastic week so far. ~ Enjoy

Friday, August 05, 2005

Stitch Markers v1 - My frist real attempt

Here they are. My first real attempt on making stitch markers. I actually took the time and went to the Bead Connection and took a lesson for a great teacher Cindy aka Cynthia who will be featured in an upcoming issue of "Bead and Button" magazine. She maked it look so easy and I have to say after the first one. I became addicted. This is what I was able to make in a few hours... LOL... Oh I can see another addiction is forming. Help...

I have to say that I truly enjoyed making these. Now I just have to make the ones for all the swap partners I have. I have joined another group that swaps just stitch markers... LOL This is way to much fun. I found out about the group from one of my friends mom and I though cool But now I think this is very COOL. I have to have 10 markers in the mail by today. So I guess I will be working my but off doing that... LOL

These markers were made using the wire wrap method. I did not use eye pins or head pins. I simply wrapped the wire on both ends after beading the beads I wanted to use. I also used split rings (16mm) but would like to find some smaller versions. Like the something that would be for about a size 10.5 for smaller needles. As for the beads I just simple went shopping and changed my mind like 20x. LOL

I hope that you enjoyed this little side track from knitting. ~ Enjoy!

Thursday, August 04, 2005

ABC's Of Creative Pursuits - Bakersfield, California

I would like to invite everyone to check out ABC's of Creative Pursuits. This is a local yarn store where I enjoy knitting with friends. I have helped them out by creating their website.
I hope that you enjoy it!