Saturday, December 31, 2005

The Vegas Scarf Game at our LYS

I know long time no post but you know the holidays, even though I know that is no excuse.  Ok.  Well I have been so busy that even my knitting bag is a mess.  I started a new project tonight and I hope to post pictures later as soon as I get my camera out o the car. LOL

Well, tonight at our LYS we had such a blast playing the “Vegas Knitting Scarf Game.  This is a must if you ever want to have a blast and make a scarf in total randomness. If that’s a word.  For the last several weeks we have been planning this evening of fun at our LYS.  An it was a blast.  We had about 20 women all there to play the knitting game.  The original idea came from a scarf we found in the Knitting Box 2006 (March 21st) I believe. Also you can find the information at HERE.  This was a blast.  We actually all followed the game each taking turns rolling the dye and flipping the coin.

Here is what we did as a store:

Materials Needed:

6 different yarns (monochromatic or variety in color) Various Textures
1 Quarter (Coin)
1 Dye (from a pair of Dice)
1 index card
6 Ziploc baggies label 1-6

We told everyone that we were going to play the “Vegas Knitting Game” for the last 3 weeks suspense killed everyone..  All we told everyone was that they needed 6 yarns monochromatic or variety, all different textures.  I personally started with a Noro Kureyon and found different colors of ribbon yarn, novelty yarns and other fun stuff.  Yes I was difficult because I found 7 instead of 6.  So I made a change to the original game.

  1. Karabella Festival

  2. Noro – Blossom

  3. Trendsetter Aura / Trendsetter – Sunshine (This yarn was so thin I doubled them together)

  4. Noro – Kureyon ******

  5. Trendsetter – Checkmate

  6. Gedfra – Fiocco

  7. Gedifra Serano (((I will explain how if did this at the end))))

We gave everyone six Ziploc baggies to put each of their yarns in.  Many of the people brought in a few yarns and bought several more to make there six.  Some used Trendsetter Segue and other fun novelty yarns, Patons, Karabella just all sorts of yarns.  It was great.  Several of the people did monochromatic and it was absolutely gorgeous.  I person did a variety that were very bright and I love it.

On the index/sheet of paper we put a grid of 6 boxes labeling it Yarn one, Yarn two, Yarn Three, Yarn four, Yarn five & Yarn Six.  WE had everyone cut a small sample of each of their yarn and tape them to the piece of paper or index card.  We never told them what was happening.  They just had to follow the pattern as we told them once they put the samples we gave them their choice of needles sizes.  Much like the potato chip scarf we told them go get an average of their yarns gauge and go up 2 needles sizes.  Most of the people tonight used 11 – 13 or 15.  I used 13’s.  We then told them figure how long they wanted their scarf to be.  Some wanted short scarves some wanted long scarves. I personally wanted a very long one 7 to 8 feet. If they were using 11 we had them cast on 3 sts per inch and if they were using 13 or 15 we had them cast on 2 sts per inch.  Since I wanted 7 feet which would be 84 inches and I was using 13’s I casted on 170 stitches. Before they could cast on they had to wait for everyone to figure this out.  The anticipation was so much fun.  We then got a silver dollar and had them write on their index card at the top of it

HEADs – Knit   &   TAILs – Purl

We then started the game by both rolling the dye  Our first roll was a 2 this told everyone to grab their Yarn 2 and start casting on.  It was a blast.  We waited for everyone to cast on and this took some time but it worked great because a lot of people gabbed and looked around at what everyone was doing. At this point we had them decide if how long they wanted their fringe for the scarf and we had them cut their cast on yarn off leaving a 6 to 10  inches of yarn for the frindge. Once everyone had casted on with their yarn 2 it was time to really get to the meat of this game.  WE then flipped the coin and rolled the dye.  It was a 5 – Tails which meant pick up yarn number five and tie it on and start purling to the end of the row once finished with the row cut this yarn off leaving a 6 to 10 inch tail.  Flip coin and roll dye and go from their.  We had a blast.  I think everyone had a blast.  We are going to be doing it again on Saturday at our LYS.  I have to tell you this was such a fun Stitch and Bitch Game to play.

For those of you who are like me and found 7 yarns instead of the required 6 here is what I did

Where there is a will there is a way:

When the dye rolled a number 4
I rolled again
If the second roll was an even number I used yarn numbered 4.
If the roll was a odd number I used yarn numbered 7.

Stay tuned for more exciting adventures in knitting with me.

Saturday, December 24, 2005 : WPI Tool and Knit Card

This is a must have tool for all you knitters out there that are not sure what the gauge is since all the different manufactures of yarn lable theres differently. This tool is simple to use and works fantasticly.

A must have in your knitting bag

Monday, December 19, 2005

The Curse of the Chrirstmass

The Curse of the Christmas Bah Hum bugs… well I would love to say that over the years I have really enjoyed Christmas but it seems each year I have come to realize that I myself suffer from the family curse which I saw for year from  my paternal Grandmother.  Christmas just never was a joyful experience for her.  But growing up I had to most awesome Christmases in the past and I am so very thankful for all of them but it seems that several years ago my father started showing signs of the bah hum bug.  Not in the way of giving gifts just in general.  Well over the years with all the stuff that has gone on in my life Christmas seems to be more and more a chore then an experience.  I know that I should be happy at what I have and that I have family around.  And I am thankful for all that.  I just can not get into the Christmas spirit this year.  We do not even have a Christmas tree this year.  It seems to me that I have made excuse after excuse as to why I don’t have one but it just is this.  I can see saving the money and spending it on the boys and everyone.  Does it make you less of a Holiday person if you don’t get a tree.  It is not like we even are here to have Christmas Eve under our tree.  We always celebrate at my parents.  So I don’t think I am missing anything.  I have to say this year it has been a real struggle to even get into the Christmas shopping spirit.  I try to make it all even with our 4 boys but it is very hard.  I just want to give them all a fantastic Christmas and it does not seem to happen.  I wish it did. But I know it will.

I am not whining I am just venting out how I feel about this.

I am trying to get my butt in gear and getting organized and cleaned up and stop running away from all the chores I have left behind like laundry.  YES I HATE LAUNDRY but I have made a pack with myself.  No computer and no going to the local yarn store until it is done.  This sucks.  But I must do it.  I am down to the last 5 loads so I think I can go and play tomorrow (cross your fingers).  I am also making myself go and go shopping this evening for the final gifts I need to get.  I have 2 more scarves to make and then wrap everything.  I know that it will all work out  I just need to get my butt in gear.

Friday, December 16, 2005

Potato Chip Scarf Progress Report

My progress on my Potato Chip is going very slowly. I just finished the first ruffle bind off using the double crochet which was very fun and fast but it still took me a darn long time to get to this point. I am going to move up to a larger needle for the second ruffle. The pinkie peach yarn is my provisional cast on yarn so I will be casting on using it tonight I hope. The second ruffle is not going to have the furry/glittery yarn. I am going to just use Karabella Melange for the second ruffle. Cross your fingers as I hope it will be an easy cast on.... HELP! I am scared at just how much it is going to take for me to finish this one. I was able to get to the last increase row in one day but it took over a week and a halp to get to this binded off point. Dang those increases get a little thick... HUM I wonder just what I was thinking when I casted on so many. The only good thing is that I did not cast on as many as Kelly - tee hee tee hee.... her finial stitch count is going to be 1600 sts dang! Posted by Picasa

Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Who has time to knit...

Who has much time to post when the holidays are pounding down on us.  I am franticly knitting scarves since I am such a last minute gifter.  I will be working feverishly over then next few days to finish the Knitted Boa’s that I am making.  2/3 done of the first one and only 3 1/3 mores to go.  I hope to post pictures soon.  I am using Trend Setters’ Dune in the Red/Pink.  It will be perfect for the holidays and then it will go into Valentines.  SO I had better get the needles back in my hand and toss the keyboard for the time being.  Stay tuned for more adventure of my knitting experience.

Monday, December 12, 2005

Stitch Cafe's 2nd Annual Holiday Open House

Oh What Fun we had at the Stitch Cafe last night for its 2nd Annual Holiday Open House of the Stitch Cafe Here is the gang. From Oceanside, Taft, Bakersfield and Claremont - Back Row: Christy, myself, Kelly, Lisi and Sue and seated at the table is Melissa. We had so much fun shopping and finding hidden treasures.

Kelly happend to be a "Stitch Cafe" virgin but I can tell you she was in fantasy land. Looking at all the hand dyed and various other fibers. She was like a kid in a candy store. I am so glad she was able to join us.

Christy, Sue and Melissa shopped away looking for all the finds. Christy was able to get the Cascade that she needed and Sue found lots of fun yarns to work with. Melissa was shopping away finding other yarns to make more projects... It was an all over fun time.

And if that was not enough after all that shopping we were treated to a nice table of treats to nibble on as we worked our way amongst all the holiday yarn shoppers.

So as to stay warm we gathered around the fire to warm ourselves and think of other things that me might go back in and buy. While talking and chatting we were treated to several musical venues that were so wonderful. I truly enjoyed this outting. And if that was not enough we are invited to take part in a fantastic Grand Opening of a lovely bath shop by the name of "Bath Lush", just 2 doors down from the Stitch Cafe. There also was a jean party going on out in the courtyarn area but I have to say yarn was on the top of all our minds. We even got a chance to meet Lisi wonderful husband and kids. As the evening ended we found ourself leaving this little Valley Village hide away.

This evening was so fun. We were able to meet up with individuals that we had only emailed back and forth. We were able to meet up with Instructors, customers, employee, friends and family of the Stitch Cafe. What a wonderful end to a wonderful outting. All of us and our green bags.... OH WAIT a minute.... I was the only one with out a green bag but that's ok.... I feel another venture coming on soon. Thank you Lisi, Family and friends for such a fantastic Holiday Open House. And a wonderful adventure in the world of knitting! Amazing the miles a person will drive to enjoy the company of others and to buy more yarn to add to our seam bursting Stash. Too cool! Posted by Picasa

Thursday, December 08, 2005

I need a 12 Step Program

PICTURES to be posted later today if possible.

Ok. So you know in the past I have talked about finishing all my projects before cast on any more. Well that therory went out the window as fast as I could say it. I got so depressed the other day when I yet again found more projects to add to my list. After writing them all down it looked like I would never have fun knitting again. There are reasons that they were not finished in the first place.

So after talking to a friend who said how she handles it is this: Finish 1 project Cast on 2 Project... Cool, I like her idea better then mine. NOW remember she is also owner of the LYS. LOL. But so as to pick myself up from feeling so blue. I decided to have some fun. YEAP that's right CAST ON is exactly what I did.

I recently was called a "Bad Influence" by someone KELLY who I think we are a bad influence on each other. Well, she made this adorable Shrug/Capelet and I thought about it over and over and over and looked at the yarn that would make it up so nice. And I don't have anything like that. I must do it. Since I talked her into cast on and joining another KAL it was the least I could do for her... COPY her. Ok, not that I wanted to copy her exactly but the color is the same and the pattern is the same. I am making the shrug which is a copy of an Anthropology Cardigan. Kelly's Version is HERE and the Origianl is here by PeonyKnits. It is very easy to adapt to your measurements and it is very similar to OSW (One Skein Wonder's) Shrug, which is what I frogged. So techniquly I finished 1 project and frogged another and am going to frog one more.. so in therory I can cast on 6 items.. WOO HOO.... I am off to think about this.

Yesterday while at the LYS I got the items to make the beaded wristlets. I can not wait to start them but I need to wait since I don't have the beads as of yet. Darn... but here is what I have found out now. Is that I better plan out projects better. Frog them if you don't like them and work them if you do. Don't leave piles around... Ya right we shall see just how long this will last.

Stay tuned for more adventures in my knitting experience.

Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Here it is... My hat in action. I gave it to my DH yesterday and he has not taken it off. While he is working. I think this might be a good thing. I am so glad that he has enjoyed it. Posted by Picasa

Ok I have seen it all Knitted Now

You have to check this out. This is a knitting project to end all projects. This is totally free form at it's best. Calling all knitters a much look at.

Can I get anymore depressed (2 More Projects)

Can I get anymore depressed?  I just was looking for a pattern that I am finishing one of my many projects and dang it if I did not find another project or 2 to add to the pile.  Here is the thing.  I love the idea of finishing up these projects that are hanging around.  I love the idea of cleaning off my needles but here is what I found out today.  I get into a hurry and I mess up and it creates a bigger mess.  Now I am going to have to take out most of what I knitted today.  See what happens when I get into a hurry…  Help! I need to slow down and smell the stitches… LOL

Project 21: Hannah Silk Drop Stitch Scarf
Project 22: Encore Mega/Encore Colorspun Basket weave Afghan

Oh HELL! I did not even count the Afghans I was making before I learned to knit in January.  HELP! Is there a 12 step program for knitters?  Oh! I like being this way…

Also I am going through withdrawals not casting on anything new.  Can you believe this is the longest I have gone since starting a new project?  This is worst then Hot Flashes.  Will I survive?  I just have to keep reminding myself of what it feels like to reclaim a pair of needles.

Stay Tuned for More Adventures with my Knitting.

Monday, December 05, 2005

Irish Walking Hat Completed

I finished... first thing is first. Here is my Irish Walking Hat. I used the adapted pattern of the Stitch n' Bitch Nation pattern to the Irish Hiking Scarf Cable (The adaption pattern can be found here . I used Karabella Aurora 8 - Grey #8 with US#8 DPN along with a wooden cable needle. I did 6 repeats and I think that I will be doing only 5 the next time since it is a tad bit to long. I was able to complete more then 1/2 today. I was in a hurry. I want to get the things off my list so I can win Naked Stix 2006. 1 down 19 to go.
This was a very fun pattern to do. I have to say I was not sure if I could keep track but I did and I think I will be making several more of them in the near future but I can not cast on one thing until at least 10 of my things are finished. Posted by Picasa

Sunday, December 04, 2005

Add 2 more Projects to my UFO pile

Ok... so as I was knitting away last night. I thought about 2 more projects that I have right in front of me and that I did not include in my list of projects.... Here they are... is this sick or what.... Is there a 12 step program for me.

19. Cabled Head Band (Family Circle Knitting) Karabella Aurora 8 (1/10th completed)
20. Knitty's VooDoo Wrist Warmer (Caron Acrylic) (1 of 2 done)

Short brief and to the point. I am going to get back to my web updating and knitting... Now if I can just figure out how to go about doing both of them at the same time... LOL

Stay tuned for more of my Adventures in Knitting.

Saturday, December 03, 2005

Naked Stix 2006

Ok… so I discovered this cool contest Naked Stix 2006 Here is the contest.  Are you ready.  Go count all your UFO (Unfinished Objects) yeap… no secrets.  Then try to finish as many as you can by December 27th and the person with the most finished items wins.

Here is my list of Un Finished Objects:
  1. Moody Blues iPod sock (Cherry Tree Hill Sock Yarn)

  2. Irish Hiking Cable Hat (Karabella Aurora 8 – gift for Johnny)

  3. Cloud 9 Gove 1 of 2 finished (Karabella Aurora Bulky)

  4. Irish Hiking Wrist Warmers 1 of 2 finished (Plymouth Sunset)

  5. KnitScene Wrist Warmers 2 of 4 finished but not a pair (Flannel and I screwed up on the 2 so now I have to make 2 different ones the match the 2 I already finished)

  6. Buttonhole Bag 3/4 complete (Don’t like the color but love the yarn)

  7. Booga Bag  3/4 complete (but I feel the frog is going to ribbit)(Noro Silk Garden and it was an attempt to see if it would felt at all but I just don’t want to know)

  8. OSW Shrug 1/2 completed (Not sure the progress on this one)(Gedifra Fiocco and it is going to be way to small for me)

  9. Colinette Shrug with Prism (10% started)(Prism Zecca and Karabella Aurora 8)

  10. Colored Crayons Shrug 1/5th completed (Stash Buster Project)

  11. Dune Scarf for my Mother (1/2 completed)(TrendSetter Dune)

  12. Alpaca Wrap (1/3 completed) (Plymouth Baby Alpaca Grande with TrendSetter Crisantamo)

  13. Prism Poncho (1/4 completed)(Wild Stuff)

  14. Rose Bud Fan and Feather Scarf (2/3 completed)(Karabella Aurora 8 and Roses)

  15. Granny Square Baby blanket (4/5 completed)(Acrylic YUCK!)

  16. Felted Rose Bag by Vogue (Frogged and waiting on yarn to arrive) (Manos, Cascade, Galway, Lamb’s Pride)

  17. Alpaca and Squiggles Scarf (cant' find it but I know that I have it so where) (Plymouth Baby Alpaca Grande with Squiggles)

  18. My Double Ruffle Potato Chip Scarf (Karabella Aurora 8 and TrendSetter Aura and Karabella Aurora Melange)

That’s it… So I am off to KNITAHOY!
Stay tuned for more adventures in my knitting world.

This weeks UPDATE

This weeks UPDATE:  Well as usual I had all these plans to do so much but I seem to fall short of doing ½ of the stuff.  Chaos #1 – iPod the dog ate the couch for lunch one afternoon.  I am going to kill the dog… Darn it and the couch is less then a year old.  iPod does not know but he is walking on a fine line right now.  Chaos #2 – My dear mother had to have surgery.   Since I knew about it the week of Thanksgiving I thought it was no big deal.  But I came to find out last night that just how much it bothered me for the past 10 days.  Actually I discovered just how much I was worried after the surgery was over and the I had talked to the doctor.  My mother, I love her dearly but there are times that she is way to strong and should let us in on things.  She is a breast cancer survivor of 18plus years and recently she decided to have a lump removed.  Funny she never told us she found a lump years ago… Funny she never mentioned to us that she had a lump at all.  Every year we get the “Clean Bill of Health” speech after her yearly check ups.  So here are the facts.  My mother would postpone anything if it got in the way of Christmas.  She put off having both her knees replace until after the summer was over so she could still go on vacation even though she was in so much pain.  As I talked to her over the last week about the upcoming surgery I thought ok… This must be big.  She does not mess with Christmas.  But since the conversation I had had with her about the upcoming surgery always ended with me getting her famous lecture I decided not to worry about it (Ya! Right!).  Ok….  So once I took her to the surgery center, I decided to call my 3 other siblings to let them know what was going on.  Yeap… just like me they were all blind sided.  Did not know or when they were told it was no big deal coming from my mothers conversation with them.  They were all shocked but wanted to be informed as soon as I found anything out.  So to tell you the type of person that I am: I am not the person you really want to go with you to a hospital or a funeral.  I can not sit still and I can not take blood and needles or very emotional things… I am a nervous WRECK when it comes to things like this.  So I thought this would be a good time to knit right?  Knit… ya that’s it knit on your cable hat and see what happens… na I could not even concentrate on which row I was on even though I had a check off sheet… Ok… work on the Potato Chip scarf… Ya that’s right knit oh wait now my mother wants me…. Ok put the knitting away…. Sit for 2 hours next to my mother waiting in the PreOp room… I am not the patient one in the family…   Ok… so then get a phone call from my father asking how my mother was doing… Usually my Dad would be here with my mom but my dad was sick and also his long time business partner had past away and his funeral was Today of all days.  Well,  like I said… I am the last person you want at either a hospital or a funeral.  Ok… so I sent my oldest son with my Dad to the funeral and I would do the hospital watch…  Ok… I can do this.  

Remember I told you my Dad had called… well I found out that my Dad could not make it to the funeral because he was so sick that he went to the doctor.  Ok… I knew he was sick and we were trying to get him to go to the doctor but he would not go… he is just as stubborn as I am.  I know where I got the stubbornness from.   Ok… my Dad says that he is very sick but it is not Phnemonia SSSSSSSSSSSsssshhhhhhhhhhhhhh! Thank god.  To know my Dad he must have been very sick to miss his best friends funeral and went to the doctor…. Ok.. more stress… ok.. I can deal with this right…

Finally that take my mother into surgery and I can go out and sit and knit… YA Right… I had to call all my siblings and everyone to let them know the status… as I am in the waiting room by myself… I start pacing pacing.  I ended up cleaning up picking up and throwing away all the leaves and other garbage that was laying around.  (The leaves where from the fact that this was the worst rainy day of the year so far).  And I just could not sit still.  I paced. And Paced more…  Finally I got to talk to a friend and I seemed to be calming down… then the doctor wanted to tell me how the surgery went.  It was nothing and not to worry… He removed the mass and said it was A OK…  CELEBRATE!  CELEBRATE!

FALL APART! Yeap that’s right… this is my time to fall apart now.  I started to pace more and more picking up and straightening the chairs boy was my OCD kicking in.   They have hired help to do these things… why am I doing it… because it calms me.  I even straightened the Christmas lights on one of the waiting room trees… How crazy is that?  So as I pace more one of the nurses comes out to talk to me… HERE IT COMES I have to go to recovery OH SHIT! I don’t like this…. Oh! Shit! But no the nurse came out to give me a hug.  She could tell I was getting ready to have a melt down… Damn It! I could not hold it back any longer.  Wow!  My mother was going to be OK and damn it I was worried about it all and just from that simple hug I was able to pull it together and manage to do the recovery room just fine after that.  What a fantastic Nurse.  That is why they pay them the big bucks… The know what everyone needs…  Cool my Mother is ok and my father is going to be ok… cool…

Now about the Dog…. Well we will just have to see about that!

Friday, December 02, 2005

Potato Chip Scarf Knitalong

Well once you knit one you just can't stop. Here it is to another knitalong with so much fun. Come and have some fun with us all knitting the famous Potato Chip Scarf. This is a scarf that has become such a fun scarf to knit with others. From North DaKota to Southern California. Local Yarn Stores have discovered this fantastic fun scarf to knit.

This scarf has been seen in so many places and there are so many different variation and all variations are welcome and all free pattern versions are welcome.

I was introduced to this pattern from a friend after a vacation back home. She came back with this fun new pattern that she had discovered while visitin family in the North West. I looked at it and it look like so much fun. Here was a pattern for a curly scarf which I had crocheted for years infact that I won a second prize on my crocheted version in February of this year when I was just starting to knit. I was intreged to knit this scarf but at the time of being shown the pattern I had one too many projects going and I was on a Scarf Strike. Well a month or so later I was re introduced to the pattern by the same individual and still was intreged. So as I talked with another friend we decided to knit it together 3 people just having fun knitting a fun scarf. Then we thought... Oh yes lets make it a Local Knitalong. Then we thought how much 2 of us love to blog and knitalong so we just had to start a blogging knitalong for this fun scarf. So here is were it began.

I hope to post pictures soon of my version of the Potato Chip scarf. I am using Karabella Melange and TrendSetter Aura for one of the sides of my double ruffle Potato Chip scarf. The other side will be Karabella Aurora 8. As I am sitting here I am realizing that this scarf can be a stash buster. For those of you who want to bust your stash come and join us.

My next version of the scarf is going to be made with a skein of Disco that I found and I want to have a real bling bling fun scarf.

Stay Tuned for more on this fun filled experience.