Saturday, April 29, 2006

Galway, Piuma Gold & Touch Me Felted Bag

My lastest felted bag. This was an "Accessory Club" series at our LYS. Thanks to Karen for the fantastic pattern. This was a tad bit tricky with the I-Cord Bind off. I used Plymouth Galway - Pink & Karabella Piuma Gold for the body of the bag and Muench Touch Me - Pink & Chartruese. This was a great addaption to the original Buttonhole bag. Instead of doing a 2x Increase per row it was a 4x increase Meaning instead of just have 2 markers you have 4 markers and you do the increase like the original but at each of the markers. Hopefully I will get Karen to publish the pattern for everyone to get. It is a fantastic purse. ~ Enjoy! Posted by Picasa

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Ribbit Ribbit! Works In Progress April 2006

Recently was asked about my Olympic Project. Well I started it and was 3/4 complete and found out I made the size way to big. 13 inches to big to be exact. I crocked like a frog. But then I started a vest out of another yarn and I finished it but well after the olympics and I have yet to wear it!

A felted Enterlac envelop bag - ribbit ribbit. This also was more then 1/2 way completed. I decided to go a different direction and use a different yarn.

Rip it! Rip it! I started another Barbados shrug in Veil Stitch but I got the yarn all messed up so I rip it out and untangled the knot and put the yarn into my stash.

I have turned over a new leaf. Rip it out if I have not finished it and it is less then 1/2 way complete. I am determined to get my UFO under control.

Work In Progress List As of today!
  1. Red Fingerless Glove Cloud9 out of Karabella - 1 more (Might just throw it in the garbage)
  2. Hunter Green IHS Fingerless glove - 1 more (Also might go to the garbage)
  3. VooDoo out of Acrylic - 1 more needed (once again another one that might go to the trash)
  4. Flannel fingerless mittens from KnitScene - 1 pair completed but they don't match so I need to make another mismatch pair. (could live with the mis match)
  5. Rose Felted Bag by Vogue - MUST FINISH
  6. Dancing Crayon Black/Silver Shrug - MUST FINISH
  7. CrayonBox Black/Red Shrug - MUST FINISH
  8. Baby Blanket (crochet) - 3/4 complete - MUST FINISH
  9. Zucca Shrug - 1/2 complete - Not sure what will happen to this one.
  10. Navy Blue OSW Shrug - ???
  11. ???
  12. ???
  13. ???

Now I have been living on the idea for every 1 project finsihed I can start 3. This has proven to be a bad idea... MORE unfinished project and not enough time to complete them.

But with that note I frogged 2 items and started 1. I also completed another project and yet to start another one so I think I am handleing it ok.

Current Works In Progess Inside my knitting bag:

  1. Enterlac Postman Bag by Creative Pursuits - Using Noro Kureyon 95 & Noro Silk Garden 213
  2. Felted Marylin Bag - Nature Wool (Dark Brown), Festival (Pink) and 2 other yarns but I may use Ozark Handspun in place of the Novilty Yarns.

Stay tuned to see what I end up doing. I think that will do!

It's Been A Few Months

Well after dealing with major family issues and several health issues, one of which I still need to deal with and will most likely have to do it very very soon. Plus if that was not enough my Migraines have kicked my butt. Have not knitted much. Computer completely gone. Hopefully new Laptop will be here soon. Refocus Renew Regenerate! Live! Knit! Bead! Forever.