Thursday, February 16, 2006

Secret Pal you Rawk!

Secret Pal you Rawk! – Not much time to post this AM but I wanted to thank my Secret Pal for the awesome items.  I love the Loopi and the Gift Candle and the bracelet and the…  I love it all.  Thank you so much for your fantastic gifts.  I hope to post some pictures later this weekend.

I have been a tad bit busy this week since we had a person quit at the LYS that I help at.  I am going to be quite busy over the next few weeks.  AS if that is anything new but this time I am just redirecting my time to other areas.  All of us are filling in where this person left us hanging.  So between the Knitting Olympics and helping out I think I am going to not see the light of my computer for a few days!  But I will post when I have a moment.  Thanks again Secret Pal.

Olympic's Progress - "Houston we have a problem!"

Here is my progress on my knitting olympics! I am loving it. It is going to gether fantasticly. I am a tad behind to finish 2 items but I think I can doo it!

And this is the end of Day 5 but Houston we have a problem. As I have been noticing that this item might be a tad bit to big. but since I am 3/4 of the way complete I can put it together. Well! HOUSTON We have a huge problem. What the Blank was I doing. This is HUGE! I know I am a big girl but this is beyond repair. It is suppost to go mid back but it goes mid butt! Where did I go wrong??? I don't want to rip it out! But after close look on my work and my pattern. We have a ID Ten T better know as an IDIOT! I for some reason choose to make the 66 1/2 inch pattern instead of the 53 inch pattern. You know what? There is a HUGE difference in those 13 inches. So the ribbiting I went. I am now deciding to re cast on this project or do a completely different one. I had hope to finish 2 projects during the Olympics but since I am down one. I think I am going to give this yarn a rest and then work on the second of the 2 projects. Stay Tuned for more exciting crocking knitting adventures. Posted by Picasa

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Secret Pal 7 - Package 1 & 2 Woo Hoo!

I have the bestest secret pal. Here is the 2nd package I got from my SP7. So far I have gotten 2 packages. This is the first of what I got this time from my Secret Pal 7. I love all the Berreco Yarn: Plume FX, Plume FX Color Mosaic FX and Glace. I can not wait to make something with it. I found the perfect shrug patttern for this. I will post it when I get the pattern. Thank you so much for this great gift.

And here is the first of the 2 packages. I love it. I have yet to make anything with Lopi. I can not wait to get this project going. I am going to add it to my Other Lucy Bag. Thank you so much Secret Pal 7 you RAWK! I love all the cards and stuff. Thanks! Posted by Picasa

Dancing Crayon Progress

Here is my progress on my Dancing Crayon Shrug. I have 2 full squares complete with 3 more to finish. I am adapting a pattern for the Dancing Crayon Shawl/Ponch by Chris Bylsma. I am using Karabella Aurora 8 in Black as my base and assorted silver and white and grey's for the novity. I am truely looking foward to wearing it.

This is a diagram of what I am going to do to it. I am going to make a total of 5 squares (2 on either side of the first square then I am going to sew up the arm areas AB (squares 4 & 5) to CD (squares 4 & 5) and EF (square 2 & 3) to GH (square 2 & 3). I hope that makes sense. Notice I am not completely sewing the squares up on the square 4 & 2. I am going about 3/4 of the way. I decided to do this after a friend of mine who made the same shawl and I was able to see that I could totally make this work. I knw the sleeves are going to be a tad bit long but that is ok. I like to push things up. I had thought about in stead of doing square 3 and 5 but actually doing the sqares from Crayon Box Jacket along there and it would make it shorter sleeved. I hope that you enjoy my adaption to this project.

Here are the buttons that I am going to be adding to the work. There were made by a gal that works at our LBS (Local Bead Store) just for this project. I have hade them for a few months and can not wait to get them going onto this Shrug!

BTW this project is going to be put on the back burner this Friday so I can devote my time to the Knitting Olympics. Dang it! Posted by Picasa

My Knitting Olympics 2006 Yarn

Here it is my Yarn for the 2006 Knitting Olympics. I am going to be making the Shrug Me Tender by Just One More Row. Using Noro Iro #40. I can not wait to cast on. I have guaged myself and I am ready to get going. I have not decided which of the needles I will be using. For some reason I have become partial to the oldies but goodies. I like the straights but I still love my Denise Kids for their points. I will see once I get going. I know the project is not a humungous but I know that I will be so busy helping out at the LYS which will be also doing the Olympics that I will probably not have that much time to devote to my own project. Good Luck Everyone on your Projects. Go USA Go USA Go USA! Posted by Picasa