Thursday, December 20, 2012

Almost a year ago!

Well it's almost been a year since I last posted what's been going on in my knitting world. But have no fear I have been knitting and quilting a lot just haven't thought about blogging.

As the year comes to a close I have been reevaluating all that has been going on. My knitting has progressed enough that I am super excited to start the TKGA Knitting levels. There are four levels of them. I am starting after the first of the year with several friends who I refer to the Sweater club. We've all been knitting the Dark and Stormy Sweater which can be found on Ravelry. We all met through a knitting group in our local area. More about them later.

So I have organized and reorganized and messed things up and organized my craft room numerous times this year. Got to love OCD! I would love to say that I am in the state of organized but I would be lying. Currently my craft room is too cold to really be out in. So piles are building around the room. I really need to get off my butt and go get a space heater. Which that in its self is a completely different story and there just is not enough time to explain.

So here I am late at night thinking about knitting.

On my needles in close proximity to me

1) A Christmas gift called Kansas Wallaby which is going to be late. Go figure. Really like the pattern called "Wonderful Wallaby" it's a pattern for a hoodie with all sizes in the family. Great simple project. I've learned a lot with making it. I started it in the beginning of December 2012 my goal is to have it in the mail before New Years. I think it will be close

2) My other project which is most important to me is the Dark and Stormy Sweater. I am knitting this sweater with about a dozen of local women, with the guidance of a Master Knitter. What an experience it has been. I've tapped into an area of my knitting that I had no idea I could ever get to. Forget shawls, beanies, and that stuff were knitting with determination. Making a sweater to fit me. Making a sweater that I can not wait to knit. I don't think I've ever kept any of the duff I've knitted. I always give it away to friends and family. But this time I'm keeping this project. I only have the sleeves and the collar and the bottom ribbing to do. Simple easy breezy.

I will post more soon of my knitting adventures and the life of my crazy world soon.