Thursday, October 26, 2006
My Current Projects in My Knitting Bag
Well, I guess I could take the time to write what all projects are in my knitting bag. I am trying to complete a few of my stragling projects. I need to make a few handles and complete a few projects but I also want to cast on some new ones but I am trying to hold back...
Project 1: Lizard Ridge Throw from
Project 2: Mrs. Beeton's from
Project 3: Cabled Wrist Warmers from Doc Who
Project 4: Tulip Slippers for Zoe
Project 5: Plymouth Feather & Fan Dog sweater for Milo
Project 6: Slip Stitch Scarf using Geisha & Opera
Serveral naked knitting needles getting ready to cast on for some fun projects...
Now these are not all my WIP's but these are just the few that are in my Knitting bag at this moment. I shall not list all my WIP's since the last time I did that I got very depressed. But my therory right now is to atleast complete a few of them. Lets just say at least 1 a month. Baby Steps...
Project 1: Lizard Ridge Throw from
Project 2: Mrs. Beeton's from
Project 3: Cabled Wrist Warmers from Doc Who
Project 4: Tulip Slippers for Zoe
Project 5: Plymouth Feather & Fan Dog sweater for Milo
Project 6: Slip Stitch Scarf using Geisha & Opera
Serveral naked knitting needles getting ready to cast on for some fun projects...
Now these are not all my WIP's but these are just the few that are in my Knitting bag at this moment. I shall not list all my WIP's since the last time I did that I got very depressed. But my therory right now is to atleast complete a few of them. Lets just say at least 1 a month. Baby Steps...
Feather & Fan 8 Foot Scarf

One more completed project. Here is my Noro Kochoran #16 Feather & Fan Scarf. Very simple but I love how the yarn worked up in this one. I used a total of 3 hanks for this 8 foot scarf. I like to wear mine doubled or big looped around my neck. I just worked a simple feather and fan pattern with a 3 sts garter edge. I beleive my cast on was 24 sts on a US#10 1/2. I hope that you enjoyed me scarf.

Enterlac Pouch by Ginger Completed

Here is my completed Enterlac Pouch by Ginger @ Alamitos Bay Yarn Company. This is a fantastic pattern for Enterlac. I used Noro Silk Gard #87 (I think that is the right number). I was in a hurry to finish this project so I just did a single iCord for the strap. If I were to do this again, I think that I would become much more creative with the handle. I loved the back of this pouch - it is done in a brioched sitch. Very easy and very good looking.

And here is the lining of it. I did the lining a little different. I made the bottom so that it was just not folded but more like a brown paper box. I was very please with the turn of out this one. Notice I used my labels that Ms. Linda got for me. I like the finishing touch. Hope you enjoyed it. The pattern is from gsmith[at] of the Alamitos Bay Yarn Company in Long Beach, CA Check them out

Tuesday, October 17, 2006
Ms Beeton's by Knitty Bottom Bell

This was a bit of a bugger. I have tryed to make these several time and I just could not get it going. I finially turned off the phones today and sat down and did it. I could not beleive that once I got past the cast on and the first row everything went really good. I was a bit afraid that it was going to be to big but after I got through the first 11 rows... wow. Wow... I did not think I could ever get this one going. I am using GGH Kid Soft and S. Charles Ritratto. I love the Ritratto and so I am off to start the outter portion. I am using the 2 circular method because me and double points just doing get along... Now I just have to find my 2-#6 Needles... This could be harder then it sounds.

Sunday, October 08, 2006
Cherry Garcia aka Neck Cozy for Breast Cancer Awareness

Here is my plan for National Breast Cancer Month. I am only going to knit with PINK all month. That means pink has to be included in everything I knit this month. I am a proud daughter of a 20 year breast cancer survivor and my ex sister-in-law is a 2x breast cancer survivor and a good friend is a breast cancer survivor and in memory of a dear friend.
My first project of the month is this Cherry Garcia by aka Neck Cozy. I am using Cascade Bollicine Etoile # 160 & Di. Ve Tesco # 25563. This is a great quick project, only 37 rows including cast on and bind off. I can see that these are going to be very quick and easy but fun. I love cables. Stay tuned for more adventures with yarn.