Thursday, April 28, 2005
Shhhhhhhhhhhhh... don't tell Johnny but I finaly got my hank of Prism Wild Stuff - LipStick. I will post a picture when I bring it in the house. I went out and spend money I should not have. I went out to the Bead and Yarn Store to get bead to make my own stitch markers when I stumbled across a 1/2 hank of Lipstick... Darn it I siad to my self. I want a full hank 300 yds. I touched it an put it down... just then one of the shop ladies came up to help me find stuff. I said "Darn I was hoping for a full hank" just then the lady said that they got one in but it was already spoken for. I was sadden but then she said "Yes it is being held for a Janet" hum... guess what... it's MINE... It is all wound and ready for use. I was so tickled to finaly get my hands on this awesome fiber. As if that was not enough. While I was paying for the hank Johnny called and was rather impatient with me to get home... I got home and tried several time to sneak out to the car and get my yarn but it just never happened until Johnny said he had to get something out of the car... OH NO! NOT THE CAR. Crap I am so busted. Well he came in but not carring the fiber bag but carrying a bag from a local jewlery store... what is up with this. Well Suprise Suprise Suprise - he got me a diamond ring just because... Wow... I have never had that happen...
iPod and Knitting

Let me introduce you to iPod. He is my 17 week old Labradoodle (Hybrid Dog - half poodle/half Labrador which does not shed) He is my pride and joy after my kids. But what I thought I would share with you is just how hard it is at times to knit or crochet with him around.
This morning I was going to get some knitting in but all of a sudden I could not find my new Aibhlinn KAL project. I had it last night before I went to bed... where could it have gone. Hum.. do I have a elves around? Did a little elf help me out last night and knit it all done??? Where oh where did my Aibhlinn go? I looked in every room. I could not find it any where. I looked inside and outside. How could I loose it. Is this a sign that maybe I should have not started another project when I have still many to finish... LoL. There is iPod sitting on the bed so calm and looking as if he had not done anything and there is our Jack Russell sound a sleep. Hum where could it have been taken to.
Oh well I had better get the dishes done so I can find it later.... I hate dishes... I hate household chores. Ok put the eggs away, Open the refrigerator...Guess what?
There it was my Aibhlinn, just chill'in out. Yeap I must be a ding bat. I truly am not blonde but there are moments. Here is what happened. I put my knitting into ZipLock baggies to keep them organized and so that the yarn does not get messed up. So as I picked up and put the milk away from Johnny's coffee, I must have had my knitting with me. I put the milk where it goes and darn it... I put my yarn on the shelf... OOOoopppppppppps!
How to make your own Beaded Stitch Markers

Sample of Plain Janes Beaded Stitch Markers *Please note this image is not created by me. I just did not want to be a bandwidth hog and I want to give credit where credit is do.
Plain Janes Knits Up A Storm has posted steps to make your own beaded stitch markers. Her instructions are awesome. Check them out! She has put step by step pictures on how to create your own stitch markers.
Also surf around on PlainJaneknits Blog ~!Enjoy
Wednesday, April 27, 2005
Think Pink KnitAlong & Aibhlinn KAL 2005 Start

Well here it is. Not much but the start of 2 KAL Aibhlinn KAL 2005 and Think Pink Knitalong. Nothing like killing 2 birds with one stone. I had to go and get a circular needle. I just did not have that size... oh TOO BAD I know. I think this will be very fun. I might be slow but I hope to have this done before it gets cold... LOL. The pattern for the Aibhlinn is from Winter 2004 issue and the yarn that I am using is Bernat Cottontots Pretty in Pink. I have crochetted something similar to this but it will be nice to knit it.
KAL - Knit Alongs
Oh! My Gosh! I have discovered another new thing about knitting today. It is also for crocheters. Have you ever heard of the word KAL or CAL? and I am not talking about the University. Recently someone posted information about a KAL which is an anacronym for Knit Along and CAL which is an anacronym for Crochet Along. I had to check it out. It is an online group that knits the same thing together and shares progress and ideas and information with each other about the item.
So as you all know I can not just do it small... I decided to join my first KAL which was AibhlinnKAL ยท Aibhlinn Knit Along Aibhlinn from's Winter 2004 issue. A swirling spiral that is part hood, part cowl, Aibhlinn (pronounced Ah-veh-lehn) is suitable for walking on a cool day or running earns. Come check out Aibhlinn KAL 2005.
Like I said I got started and now I can't stop... LOL After I did this I found out that there are lots of KAL/CAL's and you can make one thing that works for several KAL/CAL's at once. Like what I am making. I am making the Aibhlinn in Bernat Cottontots - Pretty In Pink which I found out there is a KAL group for Think Pink which is a KAL for individuals who love Pink... No pattern specific just for those of you who enjoy pink. These are for all level of knitters/crocheters.
Please do not blame me if you become seriously addicted to KAL /CAL's.
So as you all know I can not just do it small... I decided to join my first KAL which was AibhlinnKAL ยท Aibhlinn Knit Along Aibhlinn from's Winter 2004 issue. A swirling spiral that is part hood, part cowl, Aibhlinn (pronounced Ah-veh-lehn) is suitable for walking on a cool day or running earns. Come check out Aibhlinn KAL 2005.
Like I said I got started and now I can't stop... LOL After I did this I found out that there are lots of KAL/CAL's and you can make one thing that works for several KAL/CAL's at once. Like what I am making. I am making the Aibhlinn in Bernat Cottontots - Pretty In Pink which I found out there is a KAL group for Think Pink which is a KAL for individuals who love Pink... No pattern specific just for those of you who enjoy pink. These are for all level of knitters/crocheters.
Please do not blame me if you become seriously addicted to KAL /CAL's.
Monday, April 25, 2005
The Day After (A kitchen mess of a Knitter)

How twisted is this. I had a party yesterday for my stepson and it is all picked up except for the kitchen. I really should go and clean it up but I feel the need to knit... I don't have a clue as to why I am telling you all this or for that fact even showing you this... but I figured someone else out there must be just as twisted as I am.... But if you look real close to the bar area you will see my knitting safely tucked inside a ziplock bag... LOL... I think knitting is going to win out this time. Anyone want some cake?
Question about a Name
Ok so I have been giving this much tought over the past few weeks and have decided to reserve and create a website devoted to my crocheting and knitting but I can not decide on a name.... please help. I have come up with 2 names but don't know which on sounds the best.
Knit A Palooza
Yarn A Palooza
The first is the one that I am leaning towards but I don't want it to come across as just knitting...
Please help me by voting which one you like.... LEave me a comment or email me privately. Please HELP!
Knit A Palooza
Yarn A Palooza
The first is the one that I am leaning towards but I don't want it to come across as just knitting...
Please help me by voting which one you like.... LEave me a comment or email me privately. Please HELP!
Saturday, April 23, 2005
Entrelac Project - Kaleidoscope Scarf

Here is my latest project. I know I know... I said not more projects until I finish some but I have been wanting to do this for sometime now. What is even worse is that it is a scarf but so much more then just your average scarf. I really thought it was going to be a lot harder then it looks. The only thing that I can say about Entrelac is that you read your patterns line by line, word for word. It also takes a really good person to explain it to you. Christy and I went to a LYS and sat and learned Entrelac. I was very happy to see it come together. I really like the yarn that I choose NORO - Silk Garden 88. I will keep you posted on the progress of this scarf. BTW - I guess I should confess that I started another project last night also but it should not take me that long. I started that Doggie Bag. I will post later with information about that project. I will not be able to do much knitting tomorrow other then going and meet up with the girls tomrorrow at the park but I am having 35 people plus 10 kids at my house tomorrow afternoon for a BBQ - Oh did I mention it is raining right now??? Great... How are we all going to fit in my house if it rains tomorrow... Please stop the rain. Please!
What an Amazing Mother
Well yesterday I went out to spend my hard earned cash. LOL But this time I took my mother with me. She is so funny. Since I started knitting she has felt or acted as if it was a waste of time. See I got her into quilting several years back and she is obsessed with quilting. So when I started to knit she just did not want to have anything to do with it. Well several weeks ago at my SnB she picked up a crochet hook. Now mind you she crocheted when we were kids but that was some years back and I just found out recently that some 50 or 60 years ago she knitted a few argile socks for a boy but never finished them because she lost interest in the boy... LOL ... She started to make a washcloth and bam... she did it with really know help other then us explaining the stitches once. This proves my mother has a memory of an elephant. So a few day after my SnB she found a picture of a pillow she wanted. Hence her interest in knitting now. So yesterday she went with me out to the LYS and picked out some yarn and some needles. Bam she bought 3 hanks of Prism and started to stitch... thanks to Karen she got my mother all started and everything. We left and I figured ok... maybe or maybe not... she might or might not want to finish it... I just got off the phone with here and she told me that she knows exactly how much yarn it will take for her to finish the front of the pillow she is making and that she does not need to go and knit with until she needs to bind off and she thinks that she can figure that one out on her own. I will bet you she will do it. Now I know where I get my crafty bone in my body. LOL Thanks MOM!
Friday, April 22, 2005
Pick A Hand

Johnny (My Fiance') came home and played a game with me... Pick a hand... Now you all don't know Johnny but let me give you a clue about him. When we started talking about getting married - I gave only one altimatum to the entire idea of getting married and that was: I want a big rock on my finger. Suddenly Johnny leaped out of the chair he was sitting in, went out to his car and brought something in... he had brought in a roll of duct-tape. He then told me to go out to the back yard and pick the biggest rock I could find and he would attach it with the duct-tape. So needless to say I was a little gun shy when he came in this morning wantting to play pick a hand... Hum what could it be... an "iPod" treat? a bug? a rose from our front yard? everything was running through my mind. Without knowing I picked his right hand as he opened it up it was 2-10's he then opened the other hand and there was a 100 dollar bill. Well as usual I picked the 2-10's but when I saw the 100 I told he like a child I want that one ((bat my eyes - wink wink)) All I could think of is all the YARN I could buy. Is that sick or what? Well since I will be meeting Christy this afternoon at a yarn store... Cha-Ching! woo hoo! Here I come.... I was trying to figure out just how I was going to buy the yarn for tomorrow and when I did not think I was going to be able to vhala! Thanks Johnny! I will post later just what all I buy... LOL I feel Noro Silk Garden is coming my way... LOL

Thursday, April 21, 2005
The Doggie Bag aka KaKa Famous Bag aka The Bag Lady Strikes Again
If anyone is interested here is a pattern that I stumbled across recently and thought you might enjoy it. This is the next project that I am going to do but NOT until I finish my cable-eight top. ((Please do not hold me to this... ))wink wink.
I found this projoct on a blog by the name of Kittnknit her latest post is "The Famous KaKa Bag" dated April 20, 2005 she included a link to the instructions and some helpful tips on making it which are.
The pattern calls for a 24 inch circular needle but it's way too long, she used a 19 inch and the stitches were still stretched to the limit. She suggested to anyone planning on knitting this to use a 16 inch or shorter. It is a very simple cable pattern, very quick to knit and good instructions.
The actual instructions can be found at YarnPath Blog Please not that it is in the archives from April 19, 2004.
I found this projoct on a blog by the name of Kittnknit her latest post is "The Famous KaKa Bag" dated April 20, 2005 she included a link to the instructions and some helpful tips on making it which are.
The pattern calls for a 24 inch circular needle but it's way too long, she used a 19 inch and the stitches were still stretched to the limit. She suggested to anyone planning on knitting this to use a 16 inch or shorter. It is a very simple cable pattern, very quick to knit and good instructions.
The actual instructions can be found at YarnPath Blog Please not that it is in the archives from April 19, 2004.
Monday, April 11, 2005
Just Moving Over...
Please note I am just moving over to Blogger. I currently blog on an AOL Journal which can be found here....
Keep tuning back because I will be moved over soon.
Keep tuning back because I will be moved over soon.