UPS Purl & Knit Hat

Latest Finished Object: A cross between Stitch Cafe Basic Hat and Hip Knit Hats pattern(shown on the cover). I made this for our LYS UPS delievery person. She has been eyeing the hat on the cover "Hip Knit Hats" and I decided to make it for her.
I used a size 9 circular needle and Karabella Aurora Bulky to make this hat. I merged the 2 patterns. The Stitch Cafe Basic Hat pattern is easily adapted to fit almost any pattern.
The Hip Knit Hat pattern has you work from the top down. I just could not get the cast on so I worked it from the bottom to the top. I did the traditional knitted cast on of 66 stitches with brown. I purled for 5 rounds in brown. Then I knitted 5 rounds in black. Then I changed to brown and knitted for 1 round and purled for 5 rounds. Then once again changed to black and knitted for 5 rounds. Then again change to brown. Knit for 1 round and then purl for 5 rounds. Changed back to black and continued finishing the pattern. (The reason for the 1 knit round of the changed color is so that you get a clean color row. If you jump right into purling you get that hop scotch stitch look. Great and quick pattern. Check them out!