Here it is... A must visit place. On a normal hot Saturday in California - Christy and I ventured out to Canyon Country, CA to go and visit this store. I was there for support and only for support on Christy's venture to getting a spinning wheel. We started out to go to Fresno and visit a store in the Fresno area but we decided not to then later on in the afternoon Christy called and asked if I wanted to tag along while she goes to this place that she read about online. I agreed and we met up at a LYS and took off. Only to get about 15 miles away from town when Christy's car said it had a flat tire. I was looking forward to being a passenger this time and had my knitting already in my lap ready to get going. WE decided to head back to town and take my car - we both did not want to chance it going over the Grapevine in this heat and get a flat. So back to town and we exchanged car to mine. I drove this time. And I have to say I love driving. I don't really think I know how to be a passenger. I love driving all over California. No problem here.
We both were not sure what to expect but as we pulled up to the location - Wow! You just knew the experience was going to be great. Hidden back among the trees sat a small house that has been converted into the "Weavers' Cottage". We walked up the walkway to the door and was greated so friendly by "Elf". As we started snooping our way around the store checking out all sorts of things only to discover the wheels. Not only did we discover the wheels we discovered a great group of individuals. Elf showed us and took all the time in the world with us and then John came in and sat with us for a few minutes showing Christy what to do. I started to get the itch. I sat there ever so quitely watching everything. Taking it all in, Christy was all into it. All I could do is see all the hidden treasures around the store. Another customer came in to return a wheel she had rented earlier and then that was it... our ears perked up when we found out that we could rent a wheel... Chrsity sat and played and played... I snuck over to a wheel and sat infront of it. I tapped it with my toe and boom I wanted to play. I was like a kid in a toy store that wanted to touch it and see how it worked. Well about 2 hours later Christy and I checked out.

And loaded up the car.
Yeap we both rented a wheel. What have I done. I could not wait to get home and play. The drive when so fast. I had visions that I would sit right down and remember all the stuff that Elf and John had told us about spinning. Christy explained all sorts of stuff to me as to what I should do. I had butterflies in my stomach I was so excited. Christy was just as excited. She had already worked with drop spindle but I was a completely new person to the concept of spinning. Infact I had told several people that only went on this outing to tag along. I just could not afford to get into another project but that seems so long ago as we neared Bakersfield.

I finially arrived home only to find out that while I was out having fun my Labradoodle was also having fun. iPod when through 3 of the front mini blinds in my home. No time to spin right now I had to go and replace them before the store closes. But as always family comes first.
So I finialy got everything done and I had time to sit infront of the wheel.... Oh heck I was too pooped to even try. I will just have to wait until the following day.
Well the following day came and went with all my earns and running around and knitting with friends that I did not have much time other then to thread it all up. I was excited... I think I can I think I can. Well I thought I had better check out my email first before I start spinnning.
As I started to read my email I came across an email from one of the groups that I belong to talking about Spinning and John the spinning teacher. The question had been answered that both Christy and I wondered. Was John from the Weaver Cottage the same teacher that I had met several months ago at the Stitch Cafe? Yeap the one and only. As I read through the emails I found that 2 people happen to meantion about spinning and classes with John. I was so excited. I also happen to read that someone found the postings with in the group about spinning had nothing to do with what people thought the group was about. I was in shock. I had joined the group to find out about everything and anything about fibers and stitch and bitching in the Los Angeles area. I was happy to have read the postings. But as I continued to read more I found that individuals started to flame for posting about spinning with in a "Stitch and Bitch" groups. By the end I decided to explain my experiences and everything I had found out about knitting and fibers in the Los Angeles area. After posting my email back it was just too late to spin. So I would have to wait until the morning.
Finally Monday morning I loaded up my rented wheel and when to Christy's to try to spin. What I found out very quickly is that "I put the cart before the horse" once more in my life. LOL I am off to take a beginning spinning class. To see if I am truly interested in this or am I just interested in knowing how everything works. As I sit and think about it. I think I am much more interested in a knitting machine.... Oh heck another project.... Help... I am being swallowed up by my yarn....
Johnny would much prefer me to get a knitting machine so I could use up my yarn before getting into making more yarn... LOL I will keep you posted what I find out and what I end up doing.